Can Dogs Eat Cabbage?


Dogs are known for being scavengers and will eat just about anything. This includes cabbage. Can dogs eat cabbage? The answer is yes, they can, but there are a few things you need to know before feeding it to them. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of feeding cabbage to dogs, as well as the risks associated with doing so. We will also provide some tips on how to feed cabbage to your dog safely and healthily.

Health Benefits of Cabbage for Dogs

There are many health benefits of cabbage for dogs. Cabbage is a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is also low in calories and fat. Cabbage can help to improve digestion, and it may also help to reduce inflammation. If you want to begin adding more veggies to supplement your dog’s diet, cabbage is a good vegetable to start with. According to The Spruce Pets, cabbage is rich in vital vitamins such as B1, B6, C, and K. It also has lots of healthy fibers that can do wonders for your dog’s digestive system. Not to mention, cabbage contains sulfur compounds that have anti-inflammatory benefits. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage may even help to prevent certain types of cancer. Another benefit that cabbages have is that promote a healthy gastrointestinal system in dogs and also help with diarrhea. If your dog is suffering from constipation, adding cabbage to their diet may help to alleviate the problem.

Ways to feed cabbage to your dog

Cabbage is a versatile vegetable that can be fed to dogs in a variety of ways. They include;

  • Raw: You can feed your dog raw cabbage as a snack or mix it in with their food. What you need to do is wash the cabbage thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides. You can then chop the cabbage into small pieces or shred it.
  • Cooked: You can also cook cabbage for your dog. Cooking cabbage will make it softer and easier to digest. You can steam or boil the cabbage until it is soft. You can then add it to your dog’s food or feed it as a treat.
  • Canned: You can also find canned cabbage at the grocery store. This type of cabbage is usually softer and easier for dogs to eat. What is done is that the cabbage is cut up into small pieces and then boiled. After boiling, the cabbage is then placed in a can with water or broth. Then, it is sealed and sterilized before being shipped off to the store.

How do you introduce your dog to feeding on cabbage?

If you want to start feeding your dog cabbage, it is best to start off slow. This means that you should mix a small amount of cabbage in with their regular food. You can gradually increase the amount of cabbage that you feed them as time goes on. According to AKC, it is also a good idea to start with cooked cabbage instead of raw cabbage. This is because cooked cabbage is softer and easier for dogs to digest. You can also give your dog raw cabbage to eat. Raw cabbage is crunchier than cooked cabbage and some dogs may enjoy the texture. However, raw cabbage is more difficult for dogs to digest so it is important to start off with a small amount. If you do decide to feed your dog raw cabbage, make sure that it is chopped up into small pieces and washed thoroughly to prevent any gastrointestinal issues.

Dangers of Cabbage for Dogs

There are several dangers associated with feeding cabbage to dogs. They include the following;

Risk of gastrointestinal obstruction

One of the major dangers of feeding cabbage to dogs is the risk of gastrointestinal obstruction. Cabbage contains a high amount of fiber which can cause problems for dogs if they eat too much of it. The fiber can bind together and form a blockage in the intestines, causing severe pain and potentially leading to death. Cabbage leaves can cause blockages in the intestines if not chewed properly. This is especially true for puppies and small dogs.

Risk of gastric dilation-volvulus

Another danger of feeding cabbage to dogs is the risk of gastric dilation-volvulus, also known as bloat. This condition occurs when the stomach fills with gas and twists, trapping the gas inside. The stomach can rupture and the dog can die if not treated immediately. Bloat is more common in large, deep-chested dogs, but any dog can be at risk.

Watery stool

Excess consumption of cabbages will result in a watery stool. According to Daily Paws, this is because cabbages are packed with water and fiber which helps to make the stool softer and bulkier. If your dog has diarrhea, it is best to avoid feeding them cabbages.

Cabbage is a goitrogen

Goitrogens are substances that can interfere with the functioning of the thyroid gland. They are found in a variety of foods, including cabbage, broccoli, and kale. When goitrogens are consumed in large quantities, they can cause a condition called goiter. What you need to do is cook the cabbage before feeding it to your dog. This will deactivate the goitrogens and make the cabbage safe for your dog to eat. Give your dog a small amount of cabbage to start with and see how they respond. If they have no adverse reaction, you can slowly increase the amount of cabbage you give them. Just don’t overdo it, as too much cabbage can cause digestive upset in dogs. Stick to feeding your dog small amounts of cooked cabbage as an occasional treat and they’ll be just fine.


As you can see, you can give your dog cabbage. You can use any of the methods we’ve discussed above. Depending on whether you are feeding the dog with raw or cooked cabbage, just make sure you are cautious of the goitrogen content. If your dog has any adverse reaction to cabbage, it’s best to discontinue feeding it to them. Feeding cabbage to your dog has many advantages hence why you should consider it as part of their diet.

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