Can Dogs Eat Lobster?

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True lobsters are the crustaceans of the family Nephropoidea. However, lobster is sometimes used to refer to other crustaceans as well, as shown by spiny lobsters, squat lobsters, and slipper lobsters. There are true lobsters that look like the stereotypical lobster, which makes sense because those true lobsters are responsible for creating the image of the stereotypical lobster. Even so, it is important to remember that true lobsters don’t necessarily look like the stereotypical lobster. For proof, look no further than scampis. In any case, lobster has become a very popular food in the present time. This wasn’t always the case. As the story goes, there was a time when lobster was very plentiful in the United States, so much so that it was seen as something meant for the poor as well as other low-status individuals. Later, lobster saw an improvement in how it was perceived because of a couple of new technologies. One, it started being canned for consumption in places other than the East Coast, with the result that it proceeded to become very popular in those places. Two, the introduction of trains made it easier for people to travel for pleasure than ever before, with the result that a lot of them started asking for lobster whenever they visited the East Coast. Thanks to that, lobster became more and more popular, so much so that there is now either a consensus or a near-consensus that it is something special.

Can Dogs Eat Lobster?

Dog owners might wonder whether their dog can eat lobster or not. If so, they should know that the answer is “Yes.” However, dog owners should also know that there are a number of potential issues, meaning that they shouldn’t overdo it. In other words, lobster should be something that dogs eat on occasion rather than something that dogs eat on a regular basis.

Dogs Can Be Allergic to Lobster

It is possible for dogs to be allergic to lobster as well as other kinds of shellfish. As a result, it is a good idea for interested individuals to start out by testing the effects of lobster on their dog if they want to feed lobster to their dog. This means feeding a very small amount of lobster to their dog before waiting a few hours to see if there is a problem. Potential symptoms of a lobster allergy include but are not limited to diarrhea, vomiting, reddened skin, excessive licking, and excessive scratching. If interested individuals see one or more of these symptoms show up, they should bring their dog to their veterinarian for treatment.

Dogs Shouldn’t Eat Raw Lobster

There are very good reasons why people don’t eat lobster raw. To name an example, they can get various foodborne illnesses by doing so, which can be very unpleasant to say the least. Dogs aren’t necessarily affected by the same microorganisms as humans. Unfortunately, they are by no means immune to being affected by the microorganisms that can be carried by raw seafood, meaning that it isn’t a good idea to feed either raw lobster or other kinds of raw seafood to our canine companions. For that matter, raw lobster isn’t exactly the most accessible food that can be found out there, so that is a concern as well.

Lobsters Are High in Salt

Shellfish tend to contain more salt than fish. There are some examples of shellfish that are contrary to this. However, lobster isn’t one of them. This is a concern because consuming too much salt is bad for dogs. If interested individuals see their dog showing symptoms such as tremors, seizures, depression, high temperatures, and gastrointestinal distress after eating either lobster or some other kind of food, they should bring their dog to their veterinarian as soon as possible. Their dog may or may not be suffering from salt poisoning, but those symptoms suggest that something is seriously wrong with said animal.

Lobsters Are High in Fat and Cholesterol

Other than being high in salt, lobster is also high in fat and cholesterol. Once again, these are things that can cause serious medical problems in dogs when they are over-eaten. For example, too much fat can lead to the inflammation of the pancreas. Similarly, too much cholesterol can cause a dog to become overweight. Suffice to say that these medical problems can have a very negative effect on a dog’s lifespan as well as general quality of life.

Lobsters Contain Mercury

Marine life absorbs mercury from their surroundings. Moreover, they can get more mercury by eating other animals containing mercury. As a result, the species that have the highest concentration of mercury tend to be the species that can be found either at the top of their food chains or towards the top of their food chains. Apparently, the average lobster tends to have either low or moderate levels of mercury. However, there are some places that claim that North American lobsters have higher levels of mercury. Something that interested individuals might want to keep in mind. Getting mercury by eating animals containing mercury can happen to both dog owners and dogs. As a result, it is possible for mercury poisoning to happen to those who eat too much seafood containing too much mercury. This is a huge problem, as shown by how the symptoms of mercury poisoning can include but are not limited to numbness, tremors, convulsions, kidney damage, and death.

Lobsters Have Shells

Lobster shells can be dangerous for dogs. For starters, they can be a choking hazard. Furthermore, lobster shells can break up into small, sharp pieces. These pieces can cut up a dog’s mouth. Even worse, these pieces can cut up a dog’s insides. Due to this, dog owners should avoid letting their dogs come into contact with any lobster shells.

Don’t Cook the Lobster With Extra Seasonings

Dogs should be fed cooked lobster with no extra seasonings whatsoever. This is because a lot of popular seasonings can be problematic for them in some way. There are even some such as onion and garlic that are outright poisonous for dogs, thus making avoiding them that much more important.

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