20 Things You Didn’t Know About the Frenchton
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It’s easy to imagine what you’ll get when you mix two of the most adorable breeds of dogs—you get a spectacular creature and an incredible pet. That’s exactly what we know of the Frenchton, a mix breed of French bulldog and Boston terrier origins. Frenchtons are some of the best mixes we’ve seen in a while. And if you’re thinking about getting one to have as a pet companion, here are 20 things you should know about the Frenchton dog breed before you do.
1. They have other names
There are so many creative names people have come up with for the French bulldog and Boston terrier mix. Frenchbo is one of our favorites, but we’ve also seen these dogs referred to as Faux Frenchbo. The “faux” part may be a bit much, but we get where it comes from. Another one of our favorite names is the Froston. Froston makes these dogs sound like something cool and frosty. Perhaps Frenchton is stil the best one out there, but there are so many other options for you to pick whichever one you like.
2. They are designer pups
Frenchton dogs are considered to be designer pups. Designer dogs are basically dog breeds that were created after mixing two purebred dogs. It normally takes breeding over generations in order to have a purebred dog. Many people breed dogs in order to get a dog with a specific look or characteristic, and the practice of designer dog breeding is not always approved in the canine community. Even though designer dogs are generally hard to come by, Frenchtons are actually common.
3. They’re likely to have health problems
When you mix two purebreds together, the resulting breed will inherit the best physical traits of each dog. However, the resulting breed will also inherit any health issues that are dominant in the parent breeds. In the case of a Frenchton, this breed is likely to inherit the respiratory issues that are common with brachycephalic dogs. Brachycephalic literally means short-headed, and this condition could lead to the respiratory issues mentioned. It’s better to keep an eye on it than not. If a Frenchton doesn’t have any issues, then it’s a great thing. But there’s a good chance that it might have health problems at some point.
4. They have an average lifespan
On average, dogs can live up to about 12 years. More specifically, French bulldogs have shorter lifespans of 8 to 10 years. Boston terriers, on the other hand, can live longer—11 to 15 years. Fortunately, Frenchtons take up the Boston terrier gene for aging because they typically can live anywhere from 11 to 15 years as well. This number will vary greatly depending on the Frenchton’s living conditions, diet, and exercise.
5. They shed a lot
This might be a surprising fact for some, but Frenchtons will shed a lot of hair. It’s probably more hair than you could ever expect from a shorthaired breed. Frenchton dogs have beautiful, fine, and smooth coats. What happens is their hair will grow much longer during the wintertime, and they tend to shed this during the summer months. Proper grooming and regular brushing throughout the year will help prevent shedding. Just make sure you brush using proper tools.
6. Their ears will stand up
One of the best attributes of both French bulldogs and Boston terriers are their standing ears. It’s a distinct characteristic that not all dogs have. In fact, many dog owners have preferences regarding dog ears—and there are some that would only get dogs with standing ears. If this is the case for you, you’re in luck. The Frenchton dog will have standing ears, but it might take anywhere from 5 to 15 weeks for it to happen. Some Frenchtons might take up to 8 months for their ears to stand up, but this is a rare occurrence. Here’s a trivial fact: not all Frenchton ears will go up at the same time, so you might have a Frenchton with one floppy ear and one upright ear for a bit.
7. They drool
French bulldogs are notorious for being some of the heaviest droolers around. Unfortunately, the Frenchton inherited this not so desirable trait. Although they will not drool as much as their parent dogs, Frenchtons will drool more after certain activities. Expect an extra amount of slobber after your dogs eat, drink, and exercise.
8. They snore
It’s actually a cute attribute, at least as long as you don’t get annoyed or bothered easily. Frenchton tend to snore a lot because of their brachycephalic characteristic. It’s part of some of the respiratory issues they are bound to have. In addition to their flat faces, narrow nostrils and blocked airways cause the frequent snoring of Frenchton dogs. The good thing is Frenchtons are still adorable while they’re sleeping and snoring. If it’s a problem for you, it’s nothing that a pair of earplugs can’t solve.
9. They’re not the best swimmers
There’s a notion that dogs are excellent swimmers. This is absolutely true in many ways—but only in specific breeds. Unfortunately, Frenchtons are not good swimmers at all. Although they may be able to maneuver in water, their heavy heads and smaller bodies make it really difficult for Frenchtons to swim. In addition, they also have difficulty swimming because of their inherently poor respiratory health. Because of this, swimming is not a recommended activity for Frenchtons.
10. They’re bigger than mom
French bulldogs tend to be smaller dogs. They grow out to be about 11 inches tall. Because of the Boston terrier mix to the breed, Frenchtons will be bigger than their French bulldog parents. Frenchtons can grow up to about 16 inches in height and weigh up to 25lbs. All things considered, the Frenchton dog breed is still a relatively small breed compared to others. There are many benefits to having a smaller dog. They’re easier to care for in general, and they just don’t take up a lot of space.
11. They have difficulty with natural births
It might be an odd fact to read about, but it’s equally important due to the health factors. French bulldogs and Boston terriers are known to have naturally small hips. This means that the Frenchton does as well. This poses a problem when it comes to delivering pups because narrow hips naturally translate to difficulty in birthing. Most Frenchton deliveries happen via C-section, but natural births do happen on rare occasions.
12. They experience anxiety
Dogs are meant to be companion animals. Although some breeds can handle being alone better, it just so happens that Frenchtons do not. These dogs crave human attention and interaction, and prolonged separation from their humans normally causes separation anxiety in Frenchtons. Unfortunately, this is something you’ll have to think about if you’re considering getting a Frenchton. If you expect you’ll be leaving your Frenchton alone for too long each day, it might not be a good match for you. Of course, there are many ways you can train a dog to entertain itself while you’re gone, and there are also other options such as pet sitting.
13. They have short tails
At first glance, some might think that a Frenchton’s tail might have been chopped off. Others might even think that a Frenchton dog might have been born without tails. This is exactly how short and stumpy Frenchton dog tails are. The physical trait has been inherited from the parent breeds, but it’s also been driven to evolve that way through breeding. The stumpy short tails of Frenchtons are some of their cutest characteristics.
14. Some bark more than others
The crossbreeding of a barker and a non-barker dog will always result into an unknown. Boston terriers are dogs that definitely like to bark, while French bulldogs are rather quiet dogs. If you happen to have a preference, you can only wish for the luck of the draw. You never know if you’re going to get a Frenchton barker or a quiet one. The more dominant gene will emerge, but it’s different every time. All you can really do is cross your fingers and hope you get the Frenchton that you like.
15. They don’t like cats
This statement may be an overgeneralization, but there is some truth to it. If you introduce a new kitty to an adult Frenchton, it’s pretty much guaranteed that the dog will have a difficult time with the new addition to the family. If a new pet is being introduced to a Frenchton puppy, it’s more likely for the puppy to get used to another pet in the house. Either way, it always comes down to how you handle the situation altogether.
16. They can get pricey
We all know that designer dogs can cause a bit of money regardless of whether you get them from an actual breeder or adopt them from the humane society. We always recommend that you adopt first before you buy in any case. Frenchton pups can sell for $500 to $3,500 or even more depending on the Frenchton you’re getting and where you’re getting it.
17. They come in a variety of colors
It’s fascinating to look at Frenchtons because no two dogs are even remotely alike. The breed has so many different coat color variations that every single Frenchton can have a truly unique look. Frenchton coats can come in these colors or a mixture of them: black, black and white, brindle, brown, cream, golden, tan, and white. Of course, parentage will have a lot to do with a Frenchton’s coat, but the colors you’ll get will be any of the above. Speaking of coats, you’re not going to need to wash your Frenchton frequently. Using pet wipes will work just fine.
18. They are smart
If you want a dog that can do a good amount of tricks at your next party, it might be time to start training your Frenchton. Frenchton’s may not be able to sniff illegal items at the airport, but they are absolutely capable of learning tricks left to right. They’re smart enough, but they are also stubborn. You’ll need to have a lot of patience if you want to train your Frenchton properly.
19. They are difficult to potty train
Potty training dogs in itself is a task. It’s much like training any baby; it requires patience and perseverance. However, Frenchtons are particularly harder to potty train likely because of their stubbornness. Expect a lot of pee and poo accidents during the duration of training, which can take as long as 8 months. If you’re having too much of a difficulty, you can always get a professional to help you out. It will make your life and the life your pup much easier this way.
20. They are great family dogs
Frenchton dogs have a good balance of energy and calm, and that’s what makes them great pets for even the youngest kids. They have a mild temperament and are generally submissive animals. They also happen to be quite affectionate. Much like any dog, Frenchtons are as loyal as dogs get, and they will give and show love whenever they can. Since these dogs have a lot of energy to spend, they tend to do well with families that maintain an active lifestyle. They are small enough for easy transportation, and they get along well with humans in general. They are friendly and fun to be around. Because they live a longer life than other bulldogs, they’re a good option to have for those that like the breed. Frenchton dogs are easy to love and get attached to, and they become part of the family right away.