Home Remedy Ideas For Your Dog’s Bad Breath
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You might expect that most dog’s have less than pleasant breath, at least some times. You love the doggie kisses you get from your cute little canine, but if his breath is beyond just a little unpleasant, he probably has a case of halitosis, and it’s not so cute. Dogs are known to put just about anything in their mouth, food, things from the garbage, among many other unpleasant things that may cause temporary stinky breath. But this type of bad breath should dissipate, especially within a couple of days. If it does not, it could mean some other, more serious condition is the underlying cause and he should be checked by a vet. The most common cause of bad dog breath, however, is related to just what you would think; tooth or mouth issues, and most often, bad breath can be remedied in many different ways. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on expensive store-bought products for your dog’s bad breath. There are plenty of things you can do to help prevent and alleviate your pup’s stinky breath. Here is a list of home remedy ideas for your dog’s bad breath that you can give a try to find the ones that work for your dog.
1. Brush your dog’s teeth every day
Like humans, dog’s teeth get caked with plaque and tartar and they can decay and cause the same type dental problems we get, like tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. They are even prone to abscesses, which are not only painful, but they alone can cause bad breath. It’s important to brush your dog’s teeth on a regular basis. Some breeds, like Shih-Tzus, really require daily brushing due to the way their muzzles are smooshed-in, which configures their teeth differently than other breeds. This makes them more prone to dental issues than other breeds. Although dog’s teeth are just like human teeth, their bodies aren’t. Human toothpaste is harmful for dogs, so avoid grabbing your tube off the counter, instead, use toothpaste that is made especially for dogs.
2. Supply him with dental chews
One great product on the market for dogs, is dental chews. These are something like treats that your dog should enjoy chewing on, but what he doesn’t know, is they are also cleaning his teeth. Since dogs naturally love to chew, this is a great way to tackle the tartar and plaque, stimulate his gums, and freshen his breath – all in one chew session. Although there are a lot of dental chews to choose from, be sure to look for dental chews that contain chlorophyll, cinnamon, and clove. These are known breath fresheners, but be forewarned that your dog’s poop might be a bit on the greenish side after chewing one, and that’s ok. If it’s on the greenside, it’s only because the chlorophyll is doing what chlorophyll does, turns things green.
3. Have them drink away the bad odor
Along with chewing, dogs can drink their fair-share of water, which is one reason this product was created. It’s called, Healthy Mouth Dental Water, and it includes an array of natural ingredients, including enzymes and chlorophyll, to help wash that bad breath out of the mouth. The ingredients work together to kill the bacteria in the mouth that are causing the bad breath, which really helps to get to the root of the issue.
4. Probiotics are a good defense against bad breath
When bad bacteria take over the good bacteria, this isn’t good. It can affect your pet’s overall health, and it can certainly be the cause of bad breath in your dog. Putting your pet on a daily probiotic will help your dog to overthrow the bad, halitosis-causing bacteria with good bacteria. When your dog has more good bacteria in his mouth, his breath will naturally be sweeter. It has been said that the results happen quickly if you follow through with a once-a-day probiotic regimen.
5. Wheat grass
Cats are known to love wheat grass. It’s good for a lot of things, including a dog’s breath. You can purchase some grass, or even grow your own, but all you need is to clip just a little and mix it in with your dog’s food. The natural chlorophyll helps to noticeably freshen your dog’s breath.
6. Coconut oil isn’t just for cooking
You may already have this in your pantry – coconut oil. It not only helps to give your dog’s digestive and immune system a boost, but it works on metabolic functions, too. One way to get your dog to take the coconut oil is to mix about a spoonful of the oil into your dog’s food every day, or if you prefer, you can put a little on his toothbrush and actually brush his teeth with it. Most dogs enjoy the flavor, so it shouldn’t be hard to get him to take it or accept it on his toothbrush. He may even think of it as a tasty treat.
7. Have you heard of Neem?
Neem is similar to coconut oil and hails from the Neem tree, which is not only a beautiful botanical, but it offers a lot of great health benefits for both dogs and humans. For dogs, Neem can help encourage a beautiful coat and healthy skin. For both humans and dogs, it also aids in good oral care. A typical dosage for Neem is one capsule put into their food twice weekly, however, dosage may vary depending on your dog’s size and weight.
8. Cinnamon sprinkles
We all know how great cinnamon smells. This home remedy is definitely one that most people already have in their cabinet, and you can sprinkle a little cinnamon in your dogs food at each meal. The cinnamon will sweeten your dog’s breath over time as he ingests it on a regular basis.
Of course not all bad breath in dogs is as easy to treat with a home remedy. Sometimes bad breath can mean there is a bigger, more serious issue going on that needs to be treated by his veterinarian. If your dog’s breath isn’t eliminated in a reasonable amount of time using any of these methods, you should have him checked by his veterinarian for other possible causes.