10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Keeshond

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The Keeshond dog breed could easily be mistaken for another. They have a lot of similarities to other breeds starting from the way their fur covers their bodies to the way their faces look. These adorable animals couldn’t be any more distinct than other breeds, and they’re also some of the friendliest dogs around. The Keeshond is a type of dog that’s not as common a choice for a pet as other breeds, but they’re easy to live with, polite, and generally peaceful animals. If you wish to know more about Keeshonds, here are 10 things that you probably haven’t heard of before.

1. The Smiling Dutchman

You don’t have to try so hard to actually make it happen. Keeshonds are notorious for giving a hideous grin from time to time by curling their lips upward into a smile, baring teeth and all. Because of this, Keeshonds have been dubbed the Smiling Dutchman and the name has completely stuck to this day.

2. The spitz family

These dogs are medium-sized dogs, and what characterize them the most are their “spitz” features. They have curled, bushy tails and pricked ears. Keeshonds have extremely thick coats that are fairly straight. Because of all that hair, this breed tends to shed heavily, much like other spitz breeds. Expect to find fur all over your furnishings and your clothing if you plan to have a Keeshond at home.

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3. Moderate exercise

The Keeshond breed needs moderate exercise, preferably outdoors. This can be done by simply letting your dog run around in an enclosed yard or doggy park. You could also just walk your dog regularly to get the amount of exercise it needs. Keeshonds are naturally playful, so playing some games with it is like hitting two birds with one stone.

4. Terrible watchdogs

Keeshonds are not meant to be watchdogs. Sure, they’ll bark at the sight of strangers. However, they’ll also bark at anything and everything that they’re not familiar with even though they pose no danger whatsoever. What’s worse is that their barks are high-pitched and could get a little bit grating. Make sure you can handle these before deciding to have this breed for a pet.

5. Socialization needs

Just so they don’t develop suspicious tendencies, Keeshonds should be properly adjusted through early socialization. This could mean actual classes or just trips to the doggy part so they could play with other dogs. If this doesn’t happen, your Keeshond will become to shy or suspicious to get along with others later on.

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6. The Wolfspitz

The Keeshond originated in German and was actually originally called the German Spitz or the Wolfspitz. The name change happened in England in 1926 after it was nicknamed the Dutch Barge Dog. Eventually, the Keeshond name just stuck and the breed has been known by that name ever since.

7. Coat colors

This is what sets the Keeshond apart from similar looking breeds; Keeshond coats should be a mixture of grey black and white. The undercoat may have some hints of cream, but it should also be mostly pale grey. Keeshonds should also have well defined shoulder line markings. The feet should also be completely cream; otherwise, the dog will not be accepted as part of the breed.

8. Intelligent dogs

Keeshonds have been rated to be 16th among the most intelligent working dogs according to Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs. They take up to training quite easily and will respond well to a structured and healthy environment. Keeshonds may be stubborn at times, but they can be very obedient depending on how they are taught and approached.

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9. Emotional sensitivity

Due to their overly acute hearing and emotional sensitivity, Keeshonds tend to be more reactive to large noises. Therefore, it isn’t a good idea for these dogs to be in a home that has a lot of shouting, loud noises, or other types of noise tensions.

10. Extra grooming

Because of their double coat, Keeshonds will need far more brushing than the average animal. An hour a week is a minimum; but the good news is that the more you brush their hair, the more helpful it’ll be for the shedding. Without regular brushing, the dog’s hair will get matted. In addition, Keeshonds will not need frequent baths because they’re not prone to that undesirable doggy odor.

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