Meet the Adorable Cocker Spaniel with ‘Disney’ Eyes
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If you have ever watched a Disney film, then you may have noticed that the eyes of the animal characters are larger than you would expect on a real animal. They are created this way to make the animal appear sweet and adorable. Looking at most animals, you would probably say that the Disney eyes are completely unrealistic. However, there is one dog that has now attracted a lot of attention and has become famous for having Disney eyes that you would only expect to see in the movies. I Heart Dogs says that a cute English Cocker Spaniel called Winnie has been blessed with the biggest and most gorgeous hazel eyes. When you see a photograph of her, it is hard to believe that the image has not been photoshopped to create eyes that are so captivating.
It is not just her big, hazel eyes that make this dog so stunning, as her eyes are framed by lashes that many women would kill for, and she also has a cute pink nose wit perfectly positioned whiskers to complete her naturally beautiful look. Some people who have seen Winnie have compared her to Lady from the Disney movie ‘Lady and the Tramp’, so this means she looks like the most famous canine Disney princess of them all. Others have compared her to the Disney princess Rapunzel, due to her long, golden locks. Internet users who have seen the dog on Reddit have responded with comments after being captivated by the cute little pup’s eyes.
One said it had made him feel like the dog would start rounding up woodland animals while he was doing the housework so that they could help out, Another Reddit user commented that it looked like the dog was bewitched, and she wanted to congratulate the witch that had given the dog such cute eyes. Winnie’s mom and dad, Ellee and Tom, love photographing their dog as they are aware of how appealing she is to everyone who sees her. Ever since she was born, they have been taking photographs to show people her adventures. In fact, documenting Winnie’s life began before she was even born. The very first picture of her that was posted on Instagram was an ultrasound of her in the womb.
Even then, Winnie’s parents knew that she was destined to become a star. Although they had not even seen her eyes open at that time, they had a gut feeling that she was a special dog. They were so excited to welcome her into their family that they wanted to share her ultrasound picture with everyone else. Creating an Instagram account for Winnie was the start of her social media journey. Although she was only born in October 2019, she already has more than 443 thousand followers on Instagram. Ellee and Tom have no doubts that it is the dog’s eyes that have made her become such a big success so quickly. This is not the only social media site on which Winnie has featured. She also has an account on TikTok where Ellee and Tom post lots of videos of their adorable pup. She has become a big hit and already has more than 183,500 followers. There are plenty of cute videos of Winnie having a fun time with her parents.
One of the videos on TikTok shows Winne Pulling on a rope toy with her dad pulling on the other end. This is an activity that she is enjoying right now because she is teething, and this is helping her through this stage of her life. Playing with ropes and chew toys is something that she does every day. It is funny because the activity requires a certain level of aggression. However, even when she is trying to be aggressive, Winnie still manages to look adorable and sweet. In addition to her Instagram and Tik Tok accounts, a photograph of Winnie went viral on Reddit. The photograph was so popular that it received a whopping 74 thousand upvotes from Reddit users and thousands of comments. Considering she is only four months old, she has become an Internet star very quickly.
When Ellee and Tom welcomed Winnie into their home, they also welcomed her little brother Presley. Just like they have done with Winnie, they have set him up with his own social media accounts that document his fun and adventures since birth. Although he has not become a star to the same level as his sister, he has already got a huge following on social media to follow in his sister’s footsteps. Presley already has more than 40 thousand followers on his Instagram account alone. As time goes on, they will no doubt gain even more social media followers on their accounts, and there are plenty of reasons to follow this pair. Their posts and videos show them going for walk, trying on new doggy outfits eating slippers, and having all the fun that playful pups enjoy every day.
While most of their followers are dog lovers who follow many animals online, they also have followers who do not usually follow dogs. One of Winnie’s followers commented on one of her posts that they hated people posting pictures of their dog claiming that they are the cutest dog ever, but that in this case, the dog has delivered. This shows that Winnie and her brother are appealing to a wider audience than the typical dog lover fans. Although it is likely that Winnie’s looks will change somewhat in the coming months as she matures, it is likely that her eyes will remain one of the distinctive features that make her stand out from her canine competition online. Therefore, it looks like Winnie will continue to enjoy her life as a social media sensation for the foreseeable future.