Special Tips Caring for Your Mini Labradoodle

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Miniature labradoodles come with everything you could ask for in a little dog: energy, friendliness, and impeccable intelligence. They are the perfect breed for people who do not have the space for a bigger dog but still want to experience the best of both worlds. Of course, the overall health of your dog will ultimately dictate their happiness and personality. If you want to adopt or already have one, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind regarding his/her maintenance. Here are a few special tips about caring for your mini labradoodle.

1. Crate training

The crate is a safe place where your dog can rest when they are alone – away from noisy or harmful external factors. Look for a crate that is big enough for your mini labradoodle to stand up, walk around, and lay down. Of course, this will depend on his age. You can also insert toys, but leave out the bedding until he is old enough to go the whole night without relieving himself. The crate is essentially designed to discourage peeing for a certain period of time. Time the dog when he is about to go to the bathroom, and then open the crate. Do this while extending the time for up to four hours. During the night, try and wake up at least twice to let the mini lab out. Also, remember to remove any food and water in the crate at least one hour before locking in the puppy.

2. Feeding

Provide food and water throughout the day if you are home. To cater for his protein, go for quality animal protein, as opposed to grain or vegetable protein. If the food lists two or more grains in the first five ingredients, chances are it has more vegetable protein than animal protein. Grains such as wheat gluten, corn gluten, corn, and soy can be hard to digest. This can in turn lead to less nutrition, allergic reactions, and more mess to clean up. Man-raised crops are not naturally suited for a dog, and would probably result in allergy symptoms. The primary source of fat should also be animal-based, since animal fats are rich in fatty acids that are easily metabolized.

3. Toxic Items

Once you have settled your mini labradoodle in the house, the first thing you should do is located the nearest emergency vet. This will come in handy in case your dog falls ill. The next thing you should learn is how to make a dog throw up after ingesting something toxic. However, avoid inducing if the dog has swallowed a petroleum distillate product, drain cleaner, or bleach, as these can burn his esophagus and parts of the mouth while coming back up.

4. Grooming

Keep the coat of your labradoodle long and then scissor trim it once or twice a year. Let the coat grow to approximately six inches, and then reduce it back to two inches. Trim the hair especially around the tush, eyes, and lips, as well as around and under the edge of his feet. Wash with shampoo and then spray with a detangler. Treat the fur like a human perm: air dry instead of brushing in order to keep it corded as opposed to fuzzy.

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