Tough Questions that Must Be Asked when Adopting a Grown Red Nose Pitbull
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The red nose pitbull is one of the loveliest animals in the world. Unfortunately, it has a bad reputation. Not because of its red nose, but because of its breed. The media often hypes stories about these dogs that cause people not to want to own them. Thanks to the media, these dogs have been falsely labeled aggressive and mean, unsocialized and dangerous to the people of the world.
Let’s get something clear; the red nose pitbull is not different than any person in this world. With proper care and upbringing, these dogs are very respectful and very kind. They’re loving and loyal and generous, and they’d do anything to protect their families. The same is true of people; when brought up in a loving environment with people who care for them, they’re much more likely to become the same kind of decent person. However, when abused and not taught the proper self-control and good manners that are necessary, things begin to go downhill. A red nose pitbull trained or brought up by a bad owner is no worse than a child who is taught that hitting and name calling are acceptable when things don’t go his way.
All in all, it’s up to the owner of a red nose pitbull to make sure this dog is well-taken care of and appropriate. Now that you know that adopting one of the many pitbulls, red nose or not, that find themselves harbored in shelters thanks to people who no longer want them or have the means to care for them, it’s time for you to start looking for your own beautiful dog. We have some suggestions for you when it comes to looking for a red nose pitbull. Since the majority of them in shelters are adults, you’re going to want to be especially careful to ensure that the one you end up with was not raised by people who didn’t know – or care – what they were doing when teaching this lovely animal.
These questions are not necessarily the common questions people ask shelters and breeders, but they’re important to ask to ensure that you’re not adopting a dog that has been mistreated and improperly raised to be an aggressive dog in the past.
Ask for the Dog’s History
It’s not always a good idea to see a dog and then adopt a dog without asking some important questions, especially considering the dog’s history. You want to know where this dog was raised and in what kind of environment. It’s not always a guarantee that a shelter will be aware of this information, but they should have a general idea of where the dog came from. They’ll be able to tell you that the dog was an abandoned dog, a foster, a stray or a dog that was rescued or brought in by an owner who can no longer care for the animal.
This will give you an idea of what kind of history this dog has. If the dog’s history is sketchy, you might want to consider whether or not this is the red nose pitbull for you.
Was this Dog Abused?
Most people don’t ask this question because they can’t handle the answer if it’s not what they’re hoping for. However, it’s one you have to ask. Why? Because a history of abuse can have several implications for your family if you adopt this dog. This is a dog that might not do well with yelling if it was raised in an abusive home. The shelter might not be aware of this given that they don’t typically scream at one another in the shelter. However, the first time you yell at your child as he’s about to stick a finger in a light socket, you don’t want to find out your dog was raised in an abusive home where yelling was his trigger because he’s made the decision to attack you out of fear. It’s not likely, but it is a possibility.
Does this Dog Seem Scared?
Does it? By scared we mean a dog that is nervous and skittish. Do people make him nervous? Do other animals make him nervous? Is he nervous being around children or people or animals or even outside of his cage? Does this dog fear people? If so, it might cause issues at home. That’s not to say it will, just that it might. Dogs who are scared tend to react out of fear first rather than taking stock of the situation and weighing the pros and cons. You don’t want to bring this dog home to a house with children or other smaller animals. It could end up being a very dangerous idea.
Has this Dog Attacked Anyone?
No one thinks to ask this at the shelter or adoption agency. They like to assume that all dogs are there because their owners passed away and it was left without anyone to care for it. However, sometimes people drop off their dogs after they make some bad choices, and sometimes that’s attacking people. You need to know – especially if you have children in your home – if this is a red nose pitbull that has a history of attacking people, even if it was only once. And you need to know what happened. Did this dog attack an abusive ex when her or she began attacking his owner? If so, that doesn’t indicate a violent or dangerous dog. That indicates a protective dog that’s doing what it’s meant to be doing, and an owner that might not be doing what he or she is meant to be doing.
Did the dog attack a child that perhaps grabbed him too hard or played too rough? While sometimes dogs react out of fear rather than reason, these are answers you must have. Without asking these questions, you don’t really know what you’re getting yourself into when adopting a dog that was previously loved (or sadly unloved) in another home. Do yourself a favor and ask the tough questions first.
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