Woman and Pet Dog Escape after Ice Caused Tree to Fall on House
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Winter waited until early in 2021 to hit with full force in the United States. People living in Dallas, Texas are burning their end tables just to stay warm as the power was disrupted due to snow and ice storms. We’re getting snow in cities that are not equipped to deal with cold winter weather because it doesn’t happen that often. The state of North Carolina had its own issues to deal with. Over the weekend an ice storm hit the Greensboro region. Heavy ice on power lines caused a power failure. A woman and pet dog escaped after ice caused a tree to fall on their house
Near tragedy due to North Carolina ice storm
My Fox8 News recounted the horrifying story of a woman and her dog who narrowly escaped death due to catastrophic weather conditions that wreaked havoc on their home. Diane Smith is a resident of Greensboro, North Carolina. Over the weekend an ice storm ravaged the region with ice piling up on power lines and causing power to go out. The horrific coating of ice was so heavy that it uprooted a large tree that was growing in her backyard. Diane has a health condition that has made her wheelchair-bound. She has lived in her Cottage Place home in Greensboro for nearly 50 years. She is joined by her companion dog Willow. The power went out after dark around 7 pm. As she and her dog were on their way to the bedroom, the tree came up by its roots and came crashing into the home wiping out the roof and caving in her kitchen. Her living room was also heavily damaged. Smith was trapped in her bedroom by the debris that was created by the falling tree. She had no way to exit the damaged home. Willow had become frightened and ran to escape the pandemonium. It was several hours before rescue crews could free her from the rubble. They had to use saws to cut through the debris to get to her.
Willow had been found
Diane had no way of knowing if Willow was okay or if he had been harmed in the chaos that ensued. When EMS and firefighting crews arrived they found the dog. Both Smith and her beloved pet were safe, but they have no place to live. Fortunately, Diane’s friends took Willow in while she is staying at a hotel. Her family established a GoFundMe page to help raise money to get her into a new home where she and Willow can be reunited.
The difference that pet foster homes make
Diane Smith was fortunate to have friends to take Willow until she gets on her feet. Not all families are fortunate enough to have others who are willing to help. This shows us how important pet foster homes can be when unfortunate circumstances occur. Willow could have just as easily been taken to a pet rescue shelter had the friends not stepped up to help. Those who are interested in becoming involved in either short-term or long-term dog or cat fostering can help to keep pets and their owners in touch until they can live together once again. According to Animal House Shelter, the need is great and it’s one of the best ways that you can help out. Some shelters provide fostering at their facilities, but even more, people are stepping forward to welcome beloved pets into their homes that need a temporary place to stay. This valuable service gives pet owners peace of mind that their furry friend is receiving good care in a loving home. It also provides dogs and cats with a safe environment that tends to their need for food, shelter, clean water, and affection.
Unique pet foster homes
There are many different types of pet fostering. Some foster homes serve as temporary pet parents until the owners can get back on their feet to care for their pets. It’s a type of respite service. Other foster parents specialize in neonatal, or very young dogs and cats who require around-the-clock care. Others specialize in elderly and disabled pets, and some act as temporary rescue homes to take the burden off overpopulated shelters. They act as a prevention for euthanization by taking pets that have not yet been adopted and help to prepare them for adoption in the future. There are many types of pet foster homes, but even with the networks that are available currently, it doesn’t come close to meeting the need to care for innocent animals that have no other place to go.
Final thoughts
Diane Smith and Willow were fortunate to come through their ordeal without severe harm or injury. They did however lose their ability to live in the same dwelling. This is the heartbreaking aspect of their amazing story. Dogs are not allowed at the hotel that serves as Diane’s temporary home. Luckily her friends agreed to care for Willow until she can provide them with their own home. If Smith had not had good friends to take Willow temporarily, the outcome would not have been so happy. Her next best option would have been a pet foster family, but the sad truth of the matter is that there simply aren’t enough pet foster homes to meet the need. Foster homes fill up as quickly as they can get pets returned to their owners or adopted out. There is always another animal in line that is in dire need of fostering. If you’d like to help out and be a part of the solution for this dilemma, there is a lot you can do. The most helpful is to roster pets in need of help in your home. If you don’t have the time or cannot foster for other reasons, consider making your donations to your local Humane Society or any pet shelter that participates in pet foster programs.