7 Things You Didn’t Know about the Miniature Beagle
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The Beagle breed was bred to be hunters. They are of the hound dog class and are used for their smelling and scent tracking abilities. They were often used to sniff out hare in hunting expeditions. They are stout dogs with good temperaments and very loyal dogs. They have a high energy level, which also comes in handy for hunters who need their dog to be energetic and not lazy. The Beagle is one of the most popular breeds to be kept as house pets, due to their good nature, their compact size, and their adorable looks with the floppy ears. Over the years as more and more people moved toward loving anything small-sized or toy, breeders began to downsize breeds of dogs to mimic the look of the original breed, just a smaller scale dog. The same thing happened with the Beagle. Although the Beagle is not a large breed, itself, having a smaller Beagle seemed, somehow, even cuter. If you have seen a mini-Beagle, you may have been interested in buying one for a pet for your family. Before you do, keep reading to learn 7 things you didn’t know about the Mini-Beagle.
1. Most often referred to by this name
While many people will refer to a small Beagle as a Mini-Beagle, most often, this little dog is referred to as a “Pocket Beagle.” It’s a cute little name for a cute little dog, and of course, gives reference to its size, insinuating that you could carry it in your pocket. Pocket, or Mini-Beagles typically range in size from 7-12 inches tall at the shoulder and only weighs 7-15 lbs., with males typically being the larger between male and female. They are small and compact and will typically exhibit the same characteristics that their larger counterparts do.
2. They are not a true breed
The AKC does not recognize the Mini-or Pocket Beagle as a true breed of dog and therefore, it is not considered a breed. It cannot be registered with the AKC, no matter what your breeder tries to tell you. There are standards set for all breeds of dogs when it comes to registering with the AKC or any canine breed registration, and if your dog does not meet those standards, it cannot be considered a full-bred. The Pocket or Mini-Beagle is one of those breeds, so if a breeder tries to tell you that the Pocket or Mini-Beagle they are selling you is a full-breed and can be registered, you need to find a better breeder.
3. How do they get Pocket Beagles?
The small version of the Beagle, the Pocket Beagle originated in medieval times and kept by the rich and noble, like the Queen. Over time, this purebred became extinct, and in modern times, the smaller version of the Beagle was wanted back. Since there no more purebred to breed with, Pocket Beagles have come back into existence by a couple of ways. One way Pocket Beagles re-emerged was for breeders to take the runt of the litter and breed it with another runt. Since this can be difficult sometimes, then inbreeding may be done, which can cause a lot of issues in its own way. Usually health problems will be the outcome.
4. Changes in appearance due to inbreeding
When a Mini-Beagle is produced in the wrong way, this can affect the way it looks and it won’t have the complete look of a small Beagle. Some of the differences you might see would be that the ears do not drop down completely, giving it a little “off” look from that of a standard Beagle. The coat typically grows longer than it should, the muzzle might appear to be more narrow than a Beagle’s should, as well other body characteristics that might appear off as the dog grows into adulthood.
The one thing that remains the same, typically, is that these are sweet dogs and will show the same type of easy-going, sweet disposition of a Beagle. Even so, a lot will depend on the individual dog and what types of personalities and temperaments that they have. A lot is based off of genetics, as well as how they are raised and socialized. The also do still have the desire to track and hunt, which means that they have good sniffers and love to get on the trail of other animals or anything that catches their attention.
6. Don’t require as much exercise as standard Beagles
Because this is a smaller sized dog, it can be harmful to over-exercise a Pocket Beagle. They are not as strong and they are not equipped to be able to handle all the same types of activities as a bigger breed of Beagle, which means that extra care should be given to the activities you engage a Pocket Beagle in to help prevent injuries or extra strain on his heart. An example would be to take shorter walks, don’t take your Pocket Beagle on hard or over-exerting hikes in tough terrain, running alongside a bike would be difficult and dangerous, or anything that would require your dog to jump off high objects, like high beds or sofas. Getting a set of doggie steps is recommended if he needs to get up on higher furniture.
7. Health issues due to inbreeding
There are going to be more risks for health issues with this size dog, especially if the breeder used the inbreeding form of reproducing Mini-Beagles. Some of the health risks your dog might be faced with, include, hypoglycemia, which is a quick drop in blood sugar and can be fatal. Sometimes the organs don’t develop correctly, which can mean heart or liver failure. There is also tooth disease, diabetes, and an increased risk of hip dysplasia and luxating patella. It’s important to get your dog checked regularly to stay on top of any possible developing health issues.