20 Things You Didn’t Know About The Afador
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Designer dog breeds are becoming more common, with pet owners looking for the best features of their favorite kinds of dogs. One of the unique hybrids is the Afador. It’s a dog that is ideal for people who love the sleek lines of the Afghan and the loyalty of a labrador retriever. If you can imagine what an Afghan Hound and a Labrador Retriever mix look like, you have an Afador. If you’re not yet familiar with this hybrid designer dog, here are 20 things you probably didn’t know about the Afador.
1. The Afador is a rare dog breed
According to Kidadl, The Afador hybrid happened when an Afghan and a Labrador Retriever crossed. Another name for the breed is an Afghan Lab. Afadors are still rare dogs because there aren’t that many of them in existence.
2. The Afador has ancestors that date back to antiquity
The Afghan Hound is an ancestor of the Afador, and it is one of the oldest known dog breeds on the planet. It is from Afghanistan and has a history traced back thousands of years. The mix with the Labrador Retriever, a Canadian breed, also contributes to the genes of one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
3. Some Afadors are smart, but some are not
The Labrador Retriever is an intelligent dog breed, but sadly, the Afghan Hounds have lower intelligence than Labradors. When you cross the two breeds, you never know what you’re going to get. If your Afador gets more of his genetics from his Lab parent, he will be a smart dog. If he does not, he won’t be very smart. This could make it harder for him to train and it might result in a fair amount of frustration. If you’re diligent and work with him, he will eventually learn the things you’re trying to teach him, but he will need your patience, love, and consistency.
4. Your Afador needs plenty of exercise
Afadors get their high energy levels from the Labrador Retriever side of the family. Because of the energy that’s busting to get out, he will need to get plenty of daily exercise. Before you adopt this hybrid, it’s essential to make sure that you have a fenced yard and plenty of space for him to run and play. Even if you don’t have a safe area to let him out to run, it still could work. If you can take him on a daily walk or to the park to play catch and work off some of his excess energy, it will be good for you both. Walks and play days at the park give you more time together to bond.
5. Training needs to start when he is a puppy
Afadors do better when you get them as puppies. Their training needs to start early, to teach them the rules of the house and your expectations for their behaviors. Some Afadors need more work than others, and it’s good to get a head start by training the little ones early. Afadors that get the intelligence of the Labrador side of the family may become strong-willed, so it’s doubly important to let them know who is boss in advance. Labradors are highly intelligent, so the odds of having a dog that just doesn’t get it are low. It’s still important to expect for any combination.
6. The Afghan side of your Afador may make him naughty
We know Afghan Hounds for their disobedience. It’s not a trait that many people appreciate, but it’s vital to know that traits of an Afador are hard to predict ahead of time. Therefore, early training is necessary, but as he grows in maturity, you’ll need to watch for moments when he will give in to his strong desire to do whatever he wants regardless of what you instruct him to do. This doesn’t happen with all Afadors, but it’s a common trait in Afghan Hounds.
7. Afadors are loyal
Even if your Afador sometimes is disobedient, this is a breed that is extremely loyal to its owner. They want to please their owners, which is a strong trait that comes from the Labrador side of the family. Afadors that get more of the intelligent genes from their parents are usually the ones that are less disobedient and more loyal to honor your instructions.
8. Most Afadors are excellent dogs
We let you in on the few potential traits of an Afador that can frustrate you, but most of these dogs are amazing pets to own. They are highly playful and love to spend time with their human family members. They are also patient and affectionate. This winningly combines the elements that make a dog breed worth owning.
9. Afador Puppies are not cheap to buy
According to Pet Keen, the Afador is a hybrid that is becoming more common, although it’s still rare. A reputable breeder charges between $600 to $1,200 for an Afador puppy. They’re not cheap dogs to purchase but it’s best to go with a reputable breeder that shows proof of first shots and a veterinary checkup to ensure that you are buying a healthy puppy. It’s not often that you will find an Afador at a local shelter or pet rescue, but it’s always worth calling first, before buying from a breeder. You might get lucky. This would lower your overall cost.
10. There are gender differences in Afador temperament
Male Afadors become territorial, but they have a quirk at being faster at befriending strangers than the female Afadores. Although the females will eventually come around, they tend to act more reserved with strangers. Slowly introduce them to new people and not overwhelm an Afador with a large crowd until they become more accustomed to larger groups of people.
11. You can stop your Afador’s destructive behavior with exercise.
The Afador is a hybrid dog that is going to have a lot of energy. As long as he has an outlet to burn off the extra vim and vigor, he will be more well-behaved. If you try to keep him cooped up all day and don’t let him out to play and run it off, you are likely to discover that he will become destructive. It’s common for both parental breeds to start chewing household items or to misbehave in other ways if they don’t get their daily requirements of exercise time fulfilled. You can stop your Afador from being destructive by letting him run it off and giving him something fun to do. Make sure that he has his toys to play with. Redirect him from destructive behaviors to those that are permitted, such as playing with his toys. Positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment.
12. Afadors are jumpers
It’s only fair to warn you that the Afador, in most cases, has an impressive ability to jump over chief obstacles. This means that a typical yard fence might not be tall enough to keep him inside. Afadors tend to do whatever it takes to get to something they want. If he sees a cat or a squirrel on the other side of the fence, he may try to jump over the fence to chase his prey. If that doesn’t work, Afadors are also expert diggers. It’s not a good idea to leave him alone for too long without checking on him if you let him play outside.
13. Afadors are classy
Whether your Afador looks more like his Labrador Retriever parent or his Afghan ancestors, he is an attractive dog. This is a gorgeous mix between two handsome dogs. It’s a winning combination with so many attractive possibilities. None of them come out ugly.
14. Afadors are interactive dogs
Afadors love interacting with their human family members. They like to play games such as fetch or catching frisbees. Mental stimulation is also essential for this hybrid dog. It’s a good idea to have a regular schedule of playtime with your Afador. This will help him learn the routine and settle into his life in your home. The more you interact with your Afador, the more he will bond with you.
15. Afadors need regular grooming
Your Afador comes from a cross of two breeds that have very different coats. It’s hard to tell which physical coat features your Afador will have until he starts to grow. Labs have a thick coat, and Afghan Hounds have long silky fur that looks more like human hair than canine fur. Regardless of the length of your Afador’s coat, he will benefit from being groomed twice a week. It can make the difference between a lovely coat and one that is matted and tangled.
16. Training issues get batter after six months
Several Afador owners and breeders concur that Afadors are the hardest dogs to work with until they reach the age of six months. This is a major turning point in their maturity and level of understanding. It’s as though someone flipped a switch. They are willing to please and they work hard from the time they’re mall, but they are clumsy and have short attention spans until they get a little older. At six months, their retention improves dramatically. This makes it are easier for them to remember what you’ve taught them and to put their knowledge into action. Keep up the consistency in their training regimens and when they get these mental breakthroughs, it will pay off in spades.
17. Be prepared for potty training issues
Although each Afador pup will have its personality owners have found that the first six months are no fun when it comes to potty training. Just as they struggle with learning obedience, potty training is also an issue that can lead to frustration for the owner. For many Afadors, it’s as though they just don’t understand what they’re doing wrong or what they’re supposed to do. It’s one of the worst times for new Afador owners, but if you’re patient, you’ll eventually get there with him. Prepare your arsenal of puppy training supplies with plenty of puppy pads and cleaning supplies while your little Afador is learning the rules of when and where to go to the bathroom. He responds well to praise and if you’re consistent and understanding, one day he’ll start whining to go outside and the trials will be over.
18. Afador originates in Alaska
According to LinkedIn, the first Afador dog breed was created in the State of Alaska. The result of combining an Afghan Hound with a Labrador Retriever was a medium-sized dog that can be born with either a fawn-colored coat or a black coat. You never know what their coat texture or length will be. It can range from long and shaggy, or thick and curly to somewhat sleek in spots.
19. Afadors are good family dogs
In general, the Afador is a hybrid dog breed that has a high potential for being a good family dog. Most of them are patient, loyal, and protective. Afadors will play with the kids and the females tend to keep a watchful eye over the home and the children. They’re good companions that love to interact with their human families which gives them high marks for being good dogs for families.
20. Afadors are best for experienced dog owners
The Afador is a hybrid cross dog breed that is best for people who have previous experience as dog owners. They’re not always the easiest to train when they are small puppies, but if you have with them and do all the right things, the odds are that you will have an amazing family dog that will become a beloved member of the family. They’re usually slow starters when it comes to training and learning new things, but by the time they’re six months old, these dogs start to understand more and learn more quickly. Because they tended to be disobedient in their early years, experienced dog owners do better with them.