10 Dog Breeds That Prefer Colder Weather

Siberian HuskySource © Shutterstock

When you are a loving dog owner, the temptation is to treat them like your child. One way that you might do this is to keep them warm no matter what the temperature outside. However, not all dogs like being warm, and they prefer cold weather to hotter climates. In most cases, this relates to the origins of the dog. So, if they were originally bred in colder countries, they are more likely to feel comfortable in colder temperatures. Here are 10 dog breeds that prefer colder weather.

1. Siberian Husky

According to The Spruce Pets, one of the dog breeds that prefer colder weather is the Siberian Husky. As its name suggests, the Siberian husky is from Siberia, which is one of the coldest places on Earth. They have a thick double coat that helps them to cope with the low temperatures of their native land, where they are often used as sled dogs. The Siberian Husky is a high-energy breed that is intelligent and friendly. On the other hand, they are prolific shedders, are known to howl, and need a lot of exercise.

2. Finnish Lapphund

The Finnish Lapphund is a Nordic dog breed that was originally developed for herding. They were used to herd reindeer across Lapland’s tundra in the Arctic Circle. Like many breeds that cope well with the cold weather, the Finnish Lapphund has a thick double coat that keeps them warm and prevents the snow from freezing the skin. They are a friendly and energetic breed that enjoys spending time with their family, although they are sometimes wary of strangers.

3. Newfoundland

The Newfoundland is one of the largest dog breeds, but they are also one of the friendliest. They were bred in Canada to work alongside fishermen fishing in the North Atlantic. Newfoundlands were able to cope with the freezing temperatures thanks to their long, thick coats. Their coats are also waterproof, which comes in handy when diving into the sea to rescue people or retrieve equipment. Although they were originally working dogs, their calm and loving nature makes them ideal companion dogs. The downsides to this breed are that they drool and shed a lot.

4. Keeshond

Native to the Netherlands, the Keeshond is a Medium-sized breed used to keep the workers on the company on the Dutch canals and act as watchdogs. Their dense double coat protected them from the cold temperatures while sitting atop the barges for long periods. They have silver and black fur, a ruff around their neck, and a curled tail. Not only are these dogs friendly and affectionate, but they are also known for their stamina.

5. Akita

Akitas are native to Japan, and they were originally developed to work as hunters and watchdogs in the cold mountainous regions. They are a strong-willed breed that is loyal and protective of their owners but sometimes wary of strangers. In addition to their thick coat, one of the physical characteristics of an Akita that help them to live in cold climates is their webbed toes that help to distribute their weight evenly over the ice and snow.

6. Samoyed

The Samoyed is an ancient dog breed originating from Russia. In some of the most extreme temperatures, they worked for the semi-nomadic Siberian people as sled dogs, herders, and hunters. One of the positive characteristics of this breed is that they develop strong bonds with their families. However, their need for attention can become a problem, as some develop separation anxiety or problem behaviors.

7. Finnish Spitz

Also known as the Finkie, the Finnish Spitz is a small but hardy dog breed originating from Finland. They were bred as hunting dogs, and they worked in harsh conditions. The Finnish Spitz has a thick coat to help them cope with the harsh Finnish conditions in which they worked. Other physical characteristics of the breed are pointed ears and a curled tail. They have a fun, energetic, and friendly breed that has a high prey drive and a tendency to be vocal.

8. Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute has a wolf-like appearance that is similar to that of the Alaskan Husky. However, they are bigger and stronger than the Alaskan Husky, although they are not as energetic. Alaskan Malamutes have a strong bond with their owner and are a loyal and companionable breed. On the other hand, they do not like living with other dogs, as they are not a pack breed and see other dogs as competition for attention. The Mahlemiut Inuit tribe in Alaska originally bred this dog breed. They kept Alaskan Malamutes for hundreds of years and used them to pull heavy sleds for long distances over snow and ice and in freezing temperatures.

9. Chow Chow

Chow Chows are a distinctive-looking Chinese dog breed. Their facial features are often compared to teddy bears, and the fluffy mane surrounding their faces gives them the appearance of a cuddly lion. Another unique feature of the Chow Chow is their black tongue. Originally, Chow Chows were bred to guard sacred Chinese temples in the Northern Steppes mountainous region between China, Mongolia, and Siberia. Their thick coats kept them warm while they were guarding the mountain temples. Now, most people keep Chow Chows as companion dogs as they have a loyal, calm, and independent nature. On the downside, this breed does not always get along with other dogs.

10. Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees is named after the mountain region called the Great Pyrenees, which lies between France and Spain. It is from this region that the breed originates. They were originally bred hundreds of years ago when they were used to guard livestock, and there are some that still maintain these working roles to this day. Great Pyrenees have an exceptionally thick coat that protects them and keeps them warm in freezing temperatures, which is needed when they watch the livestock overnight when the temperatures plummet.

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