Brutus the Battered Pit Bull Gets a Second Chance at Life
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Brutus’ existence was far from the glitz and glamour that is the City of Los Angeles, his daily struggle for food and shelter took place in a filthy alleyway on the darker side of town. However, like a feel good Romcom movie, his story has a happy ending. The abandoned pit bull landed gratefully on his feet after being rescued by Eldad and Lisa, two Hope For Paws workers.
Brutus has been on the streets for quite some time. His coat is matted and his face shows all the signs of a gritty urban lifestyle. Mechanics in a neighborhood garage were the only humans who took notice of him. Then, a car pulls up and stops near him. A woman gets out and tosses him a treat. The dog doesn’t even deign to taste that first offering, Street Smarts 101: be suspicious. Lisa throws another one and the gesture or the smell triggers a memory of another time. A time when Brutus lived in a house and was warm, fed on schedule, and for a little while he felt valued.
Tentatively, he looks the slim, attractive woman over while gobbling up the first treat. Hunger trumps fear when you’re living rough, but the dog remains cautious. He’s experienced the capricious nature of humans before, has felt the sting of a random object inexplicably and forcibly thrown at his head more than once. This perusal is less fearful, something familiar is happening. Brutus remembers hugs and baths. Faintly recalls long walks, the doggie park on Saturdays, and the exquisite joy of table scraps.
He waits and wonders, then decides to slowly approach, coming closer to test the feel of that seemingly gentle hand. The volunteers are understandbly overwhelmed by his response, most pit bulls are far more wary of strangers. They check with the garage mechanics to confirm that the dog is truely homeless and abandoned. Reassured, Lisa gently places an Eldad’s Lucky Leash on him and eases him toward the car and his future owners.
Maybe Brutus doesn’t fully grasped what has happened to him. He will not end up in an overcrowded shelter. This lucky dog will not be one of the 12 million left behind dogs that are euthanized annually. An amazing 40% of those animals are pit bulls. Instead, Brutus is headed for a cage-free shelter and eventually, a welcoming home. On second thought, maybe he does. He certainly showers his saviors with cuddles and kisses of appreciation as they ride off.
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue Organization is non-profit program based in Los Angeles. The group finds, fosters and places homeless and injured animals. They produce You Tube rescue videos and are featured weekly on These videos showcase the dedication and sometimes danger of helping animals. Their mission also emphasizes educating the public about the value of companion dogs to society.
Brutus’ story provides a tremendous incentive to anyone considering this type of volunteer work or the adoption of a discarded animal in need of a loving home.
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