Busch is Giving 3 Months of Beer to those Adopting Dogs during Coronavirus Crisis

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The COVID-19 pandemic has re-shaped how people all over the world live their lives. Businesses that were bustling have now been forced to shut their doors in order to stave off disease spread. Parks that were once filled with people are now empty and abandoned. Unfortunately, this has meant that animal shelters have been forced to shut their doors as well. The problem is that stray animals are still in need. This has led to a greater supply of pets than owners. The sad reality is that pets are an all-too-often unnamed victim of this recent pandemic. However, there is one company that has decided to make a difference: Busch Beer. Not many people would expect a beer company to put their necks on the line for dogs. However, this is exactly what has happened with the company’s recent promotion: adopt a dog and get free beer.

A Big Surprise for Adopters

Any person who makes a qualifying adoption gets 3 months’ worth of free beer from Busch. This is a great way for the company to make a positive impact by incentivizing people to adopt more animals. The promotion is desperately needed given that the shelters have had to stop business. It is both sad and unfortunate that animals have had to suffer from the coronavirus as well as humans. There is much hope around the world that the virus will be taken care of soon. In the meantime, we all have to pull together and make sacrifices for each other. While the virus has been a scourge on humanity, it has also brought out many great aspects of people. Busch Beer is doing their part to make sure that our canine companions are not alone during this time of need. Taking care of a new animal can be a headache, so a little beer might come in handy.

Of course, it is important that the right owners are selected for the job. Raising a dog is a big responsibility. The recent pandemic has caused prices to swing on many different pet supplies. Everything from leashes to dog ear cleaner, has seen a rapid price swing during the pandemic. This is part of the reason that Busch Beer has decided to step up and provide a gift to every dog adoptee. This is a great time to stand together and show that we are united against the pandemic. Companies everywhere are re-tooling their factories to meet the need of the country. It only makes sense that Busch Beer, and other companies, chip in any way that they can. A cold and delicious beer is a great way to relax after spending the entire day with your new dog. This is what businesses call a win-win situation.

Charting the Course

Raising a dog is already a big responsibility. Raising a dog in the midst of a pandemic is a whole different deal altogether. There are unique considerations for the dog during the virus, given the new restrictions that many are facing. It is important that the animal has plenty of opportunities to get out of the house in quarantine. There are also fun activities and games that can be staged inside the house to make the animal feel at home. A routine is an important part of day-to-day life under quarantine. It’s important to find out what your dog enjoys. Nature is still available to many, though it is nice to know your surrounding area and make sure that everyone respects social distancing rules. Walks are a great way to pass the time and get out in nature. A walk through the forest or down the street can serve as a great way to spend time under quarantine.

Breaking up the day-to-day monotony of quarantine is a step towards staying healthier. It can also help to load up on groceries in the stores late at night. Your new furry friend will appreciate the stockpile of treats while you get to enjoy 3 months of free beer. It is good that companies and people all over the world are uniting to stave off the negative aspects of the virus. A dog is a great way to keep company during this otherwise difficult time. It’s possible to cultivate a new way of life during quarantine. Given that many animals don’t have a place to go, this could make all the difference to animals in need. It’s important to keep in mind that many ways that society has changed due to the virus. It is vital that we all chip in to make the world a better place.

Crafty Sponsorship

While it appears that Busch cannot legally give away beer, they have conceived of a nifty workaround. Instead of giving the beverages directly, they are sending the cash equivalent in prepaid debit cards. This means that people can purchase their own beer on their own time. The hope is that with more time on their hands, people will be more open to bringing an animal into their lives. This is a great opportunity for Busch Beer to promote their brand while doing a good service to the community.

Overall, dogs and free beer are a great combination. If you are interested, then check out Busch’s website to see the details of the offer. This is a great time for us to hunker down and spend a little time together. The free beer is nice, but the real gift is getting a loyal companion for life. This is a great opportunity for anyone that has been considering adopting a dog. By sticking with each other we will all get through this period together. And with a little extra time on our hands we can enjoy our new best friend with a nice cold brewski. This is a classic example of a win-win. It’s hard to top a new best friend and some ice cold beer!

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