20 Things You Didn’t Know about The Cheagle
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Welcome to the world of the cheagle. Cheagles are a breed of dog that encompasses the best traits of its parents, in this case, a beagle and chihuahua. Taking a look a cheagle images on the web will give you a birds eye view of just why they’re so desirable. These photos depict a breed that’s funny, entertaining, loyal and an all-around joy to have in ones life. In effect, you have a brilliant, intelligent dog with an independent mind and spirit, who flat out adores you. Add the fact that cheagles are low maintenance, and you have the perfect companion for someone yearning for a sweet, adorable and loving dog. If this appeals to you, then stick around, as we’ve compiled a list of 20 facts about the cheagle designed to inform and enlighten you about this fascinating, and in-demand designer dog.
1. The Cheagle is a “Designer Dog”
The cheagle is a fine example of a designer dog, but just what is a designer dog? First what a designer design dog is not, is a purebred. In other words, you’ll probably not see the cheagle registered with the American Kennel Club any time soon. However, what it is, is a trendy breed which encompasses certain traits that people really love. In this case, the cheagle blends the size of the chihuahua, with the playfulness of the beagle. In other words, designer dogs are those which are created to meet the needs of potential owners. Other examples of designer dogs are the labradoodle, pomapoo, schnoodle, terripoo, and puggle..
2. The Cheagle has Several Different Names
The adorable, mischievous and fun loving cheagle is a designer breed that has captivated the hearts of thousands of dog owners. However, if you have your heart set on owning one, then knowing it has several names can help you find rescues and/or breeders when you hit the search engines. The cheagle’s other known names are: Beagle chi, chi-beagle, chibeagle, and simply beagle/chihuahua mix.
3. The Cheagle is a Fun Loving Dog
This is something to consider before you get a cheagle, and that’s their activity level. Most people associate small dogs as lap dogs. The shih tzu is a great example of this. Shih tzu’s are loving and sweet dogs who enjoy lounging on the couch with you. The cheagle, on the other hand, is very active, requiring 30 to 45 minutes of daily exercise. It’s that infusion of beagle blood that did it. So, if you’re thinking of getting a cheagle, then you’d best have a yard, or lots of time to invest in play.
4. Cheagle’s Can Get Obese
That’s right, cheagle’s are prone to obesity. Obesity in small dogs is a common problem. After all, they’re just so cute as they look up to you begging for goodies. However, as tempting as it is to give into your cheagle’s winsome, loving and eager brown eyes, it’s best if you don’t. Small dogs like the cheagle are prone to cardiovascular, lung, and immune issues, as well as cancer, osteoarthritis and type 2 diabetes. Not only will you rack up a hefty tab at the vets office, but you will be stealing years from your cheagle’s life. To help keep the weight down, when giving your dog snacks, the American Kennel Club recommends cucumbers, as they’re low in sugar, high in water.
5. How Much Should You Feed Your Cheagle?
Cheagles are active dogs, to be sure, but don’t let that fact lead to overfeeding them. Cheagles are classified as small dogs, so when you purchase their favorite small dog food, look on the bag and give them what that brand suggests. In general, a small active dog like the cheagle will need only 3/4 to 1 1/2 cups of dry dog food every day. That’s right, per day, not per meal. One thing to remember, is that small dogs usually need more calories per each pound of their body weight. This is because they burn calories up quickly. But, their small tummy size means they can’t take in large amounts of food at one time. It’s for this reason that you should shop for dog food that is specifically designed for small dogs, as it’s made to be calorie dense, so a handful of kibble goes a long way.
6. Cheagles and Training
We’re attracted to cheagles because of their bubbly personality. These active little tykes can give anyone a run for their money in the exercise department. They’re also a bit harder to train than some other breeds. Part of that is the small dog syndrome, which we’ll go over later. But in general, they have strong, stubborn personalities, and may balk at being taught certain things, either that or they’re just so darn cute that we let them get away with things until it’s too late. After which, training to remove any bad habits might take longer. However, if you train and socialize your cheagle early, and don’t give in to their cuteness, you should have little problems.
7. How Much Does a Cheagle Cost?
When considering to purchase any animal, from dogs to horses, expenses must be factored in. As the cheagle is a small dog needing little maintenance, your expenses in those regards will be nil. However, there are other considerations. First is the cost of the puppy. In general, the cost of the puppy will run from $300 to $675 or more. This cost will vary depending on the status of the sire and dam. If either are show quality dogs, the breeder can elect to charge more. Other expenses to consider include lifelong medical expenses at $475 to $600, and non-medical expenses at $300 to $500. As you can see, there’s tremendous financial savings if you keep your cheagle healthy. .
8. Cheagles Love to Bark
If you’re looking for a dog to alert the household of an intruder, than this little tyke is right up your alley. Beagles are a hound, and as such, known for their bark. In fact, both beagles and chihuahua’s are known for their bark, with the beagle more prone to howling and the chihuahua to yapping. So, if you take that beagle blood and infuse it with a chihuahua, you’re well on your way to owning a four-legged home alarm system. However, if that’s not your plan, then early training and socialization will help to limit their tendency to bark.
9. They Can Sustain Injuries
This is a sad truth for small dogs. Like other small dog breeds, cheagles are fragile and need to be handled with great care. If they are tossed about, and experience other such rough play, they risk having their bones broken, muscles bruised or torn, along with a host of other injuries. This is why no cheagle should be in a home with very small children, or any adult that dislikes or hates dogs. Children can accidentally injure the cheagle via rough play, and an adult that dislikes dogs may kick it in a fit of rage. Cheagles are known to be stubborn, and this trait can anger people who do not like or understand dogs. It’s not pleasant, but it is life. So, only people with older, compassionate children, and families that are all-around dog lovers should own a cheagle.
10. The Cheagle is Recognized by Several Dog Clubs
While the cheagle is not recognized by the American Kennel Club, it is recognized by other dog clubs. These clubs include The Dog Registry of America, American Canine Hybrid Club, and the International Canine Registry. Why should you care, and why are dog clubs important? First, they can provide you with up to date information regarding cheagle health issues, specialty dog shows, and new care and maintenance information. Not only that, but you can also meet other cheagle fanciers with whom to chat about your cheagles for hours on end. After all, we may love our cheagles, but not everyone will ‘get it’, so finding other cheagle owners can be a great way to expand your social scene.
11. What is the Size of a Cheagle?
Ok, by now you’re probably wondering how big a cheagle really is. This mix between two purebred dogs, remains small when it becomes an adult. Depending on gender, with males being slightly taller at the withers and heavier, height is 9 to 14 inches and weight 20 to 30 pounds. Keep in mind the weight given is for healthy and fit cheagles. As cheagles love to eat, they can become obese quickly, so do your best to weigh them regularly to keep them within their given weight range. .
12. The Cheagle is a Loyal and Steadfast Companion
Those knowledgeable about hound dogs, know that they have a highly tuned sense for tracking. That’s caused a bit of an issue with purebred beagle owners, as this results in roaming. However, the infusion of chihuahua blood seems to have quelled that desire, leaving the cheagle as more of a homebody. Instead of always wanting to roam, track and hunt, the cheagle is content to be cuddled and loved by its owner. Cheagles are loyal and protective to those they’ve been socialized with. However, as we’ll see later, if left unchecked, the hunter/tracker instinct can kick in, and the call of the wild may cause your cheagle to stray..
13. Not Good with Small Children
Small dogs in general should not be left with small children, as they play too rough, which can result in bites as the dog tries to defend itself. However, if your kids are older and are taught how to properly play with dogs, then having a cheagle should not be an issue. This is an important concern, as many small dogs end up in animal shelters because small children rough house with them, which results in bites. Not the dogs fault, but that of the parents.
14. Cheagles May Experience Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is a condition which occurs in both people and animals. As far as cheagles are concerned, separation anxiety happens when you leave your cheagle alone. When left alone, they may ‘lose it’, and begin to chew slippers, go through the trash, bite and claw at the door, you get the picture. Unfortunately, the cheagle is prone to separation anxiety. After all, some owners refer to their little buddies as their shadows, as cheagles become extremely attached to their owners and follow them everywhere. However, don’t despair, with early and proper training and socialization, your beloved cheagle will be able to be alone for long periods of time without being destructive.
15. Playful or Protective Biting
The chihuahua side of your cheagle comes with many benefits. However, there is also a downside. Chihuahuas’ are known to be actively protective of their owners, and are prone to nipping at strangers. In other words, they are the size of a chicken, yet have the heart of a lion. This can cause problems in your cheagle if not caught early. In fact, if they form a strong bond with one member of the family, they may even nip at other members of the household who get close to that person. To avoid this, engage them in training early on. Also, make sure the dog forms bonds with all members of the family, and is properly socialized with the outside world.
16. Small Dog Syndrome
If the term “small dog syndrome” is new to you, know that you’re not alone, and that’s the problem. Small dog syndrome is one of the reasons many little dogs end up in shelters and rescues. Small dog syndrome isn’t something the dog is born with, it’s the result of how the owner handles the dog. For instance, because they’re small, many owners just let them get away with things that they’d never let a larger dog do. A responsible owner of a German shepherd will teach their dog its wrong to jump on people, but owners of small dogs often let their dogs off the hook, letting their dogs do whatever they like. Herein lies the problem. As each bad behavior grows upon another, there is a chance that your cheagle puppy will be uncontrollable as an adult, and need to be given away. To avoid small dog syndrome, don’t let their cuteness run the relationship. This means early training and socialization should be engaged to stop bad behaviors before they start.
`17. Cheagles have a Highly Tuned Prey Drive
Because of their beagle parentage, cheagles have a highly tuned prey drive. Beagles are hound dogs, bred to hunt in packs. Some hound dogs like the greyhound are known as “sight hounds” and others like the beagle are known as as “scent hounds “. Either way, hounds all have a highly tuned prey drive, and this personality characteristic is present in the cheagle. As such, it’s recommended that you always have your cheagle on a leash when visiting dog parks or go for walks. Also, make certain you have good fencing surrounding your yard. If you really want to take precautions, have a fenced yard as well as a spacious, enclosed dog run.
18. The Type of Beagle Influences the Cheagle Height and Weight
When searching for a cheagle, you may notice that they appear to be different in size. Some photos have them more on the small side, while others a tad bigger. This is due to the size of the beagle used for breeding. Beagles come in two sizes: The standard beagle, and a smaller pocket version. Knowing this, you might be able to request either a standard or pocket beagle to be used for breeding, especially if you’re in the market for a designer dog. Otherwise, just be aware that the height and weight of your cheagle will depend on the size of the beagle used in breeding. Finally, check with your breeder to see if they bred a beagle and chihuahua or two cheagles, as that may have an influence on the color coat, height and weight of your cheagle when it reaches maturity.
19. Your Cheagle Loves Blueberries
Did you know that your Cheagle will eat blueberries? Not only are they tasty, but an excellent addition to their diet. Blueberries contain a high level of antioxidants, fiber and phytochemicals, which help to prevent damage to your cheagle on a cellular level. Another fruit that is beneficial for your cheagle are pears. They’re high in nutrients and according to the AKC, can cut the risk of stroke by 50 percent. Other produce your cheagle may enjoy are carrots, celery, green beans, and peas. That being said, never give any produce to your cheagle before you do a fact check to see if it’s safe.
20. Cheagles Make Great Guard Dogs
When one thinks of a watch dog, it’s only normal to consider the doberman or German shepherd. However, don’t count the little tykes out just yet. Burglars tend to avoid homes with small, yappy dogs. The fact that cheagles are alert little dogs that tend to bark at anything that moves, or goes bump in the night, makes them an exceptional watch dog for apartment dwellers. In fact, the website Vetstreet gave the top spot for the best small dog watch dog to the chihuahua, and the number 4 position to the beagle. So, now you know cheagles can do their stuff in helping to protect your property.