Pedigree Launches Dog Adoption Meetings on Zoom

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In recent times, Pedigree has been helping dogs meet dog owners by setting up dog adoption meetings on Zoom. This is very helpful because it provides interested individuals with a chance to check out potential pets, which has become much more complicated in a time when the novel coronavirus has become a very real concern. On top of that, Pedigree is even encouraging dog adoptions by covering the dog adoption fees, thus making matters that much easier.

Is It Safe to Adopt Dogs During the COVID-19 Crisis?

Some people might be curious about whether it is safe to adopt a dog or not during these times. After all, there have been confirmed cases of dogs catching the novel coronavirus, which makes it very understandable for interested individuals to be concerned about catching it from their potential pets.

However, those who are concerned should know that the studies suggest that the chances of dogs getting the novel coronavirus aren’t very high. One study carried out at the University of Hong Kong suggested that the dogs had been infected by their dog owners, though the chances of that happening weren’t very high. Another study carried out at the Harbin Institute of Veterinary Research suggested that dogs had low chances of becoming infected by the novel coronavirus and thus even lower chances of spreading the novel coronavirus to other dogs. Of course, these studies can’t be considered conclusive proof that interested individuals have nothing to worry about when it comes to their potential pets, but they should nonetheless be capable of providing them with a measure of assurance that the risks are relatively low.

Having said that, if interested individuals are still concerned about dogs, they should know that the CDC has published some information on the matter. Essentially, they can be summed up as extending social distancing to cover animals as well as humans. Something that interested individuals might want to keep in mind if they are thinking about adopting a dog during these times.

Besides that, there are some other considerations for people thinking about getting a new canine companion in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis:

Don’t Adopt a Dog Just Because of the COVID-19 Crisis

First and foremost, interested individuals shouldn’t adopt a dog just because of the COVID-19 crisis. Essentially, there are still a lot of people who are stuck indoors for the most part, meaning that they have a lot of spare time on their hands. Naturally, this means that some of these individuals either have taken up some kind of pursuit or are thinking about taking up some kind of pursuit, which they may or may not keep up once everything returns to normal. If people aren’t interested in having a dog for the long run, they shouldn’t be adopting because dog ownership is definitely a long-term commitment.

Choose a Dog Based On Long-Term Circumstances

Speaking of which, interested individuals should choose a dog based on their long-term circumstances. They might have a lot of time to spend with their canine companion for now, meaning that they might be tempted to go for a more energetic breed. However, if their spare time is going to be either nonexistent or next-to-nonexistent once everything opens up, they should definitely choose a dog that is less demanding when it comes to their need for both physical stimulation and mental stimulation. Simply put, when people choose a dog, they should choose using a long-term perspective rather than a short-term perspective.

Have a Transition Plan

Change can be a very uncomfortable process for both dogs and dog owners. Due to this, interested individuals should strive to minimize the stress by coming up with a transition plan for when the COVID-19 crisis comes to a conclusion. By figuring out what they can do to make those changes more bearable for their new canine companion, they should be able to implement those measures in a much more effective manner than otherwise possible. One thing to keep in mind is that some constancy can be very helpful even when everything else is changing all around the dog. As a result, it can be a good idea for interested individuals for feed the dog as well as walk the dog at specific times based on a set schedule that they can keep up even once the COVID-19 crisis comes to a conclusion. Besides that, interested individuals might also want to get their new canine companion used to their eventual circumstances once that happens, with an excellent example being leaving them on their own for longer and longer periods of time rather than forcing them to get used to it all at once. This kind of change can still be unpleasant, but having it happen in a gradual manner rather than a sudden manner should make it more bearable than otherwise possible.

Be Prepared For the Costs of Dog Ownership

Pedigree might be covering the dog adoption fees, but interested individuals should remember that the costs of dog ownership won’t end there. There are a lot of upfront costs because of the need to buy dog food, a dog bed, and other dog essentials. Moreover, there are monthly costs as well, which can shoot up rapidly should interested individuals choose to hire a dog walker on a regular basis. It is very common for pet surrenders to go up in times of economic crisis, which is why interested individuals need to make sure that their finances can bear up under the expected costs so that they can minimize the chances of potential complications.

Expect More Complicated Access to Professional Assistance

There are both upsides and downsides to adopting a dog now rather than later. However, one of the biggest downsides is the increased difficulty of getting professional assistance for a canine companion with the novel coronavirus hanging about. Still, more difficult isn’t the same as altogether impossible, as shown by the dog trainers who are now offering dog training lessons through the Internet. Some people might be tempted to hold off on dog training until later, but the sooner that they start, the smoother that they can expect everything else to become, particularly if they know that they are going to be short on time in the near future.

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