Everything You Need To Know About Pit Bull Teeth

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Pit Bulls are feared by some because of their strong jaws and large sharp teeth. Pet parents who love their Pit Bulls are concerned with their teeth for very different reasons.

There are some differences between Pit Bull teeth and jaws than with other dogs, but more myths are circulating about them than facts. Pit Bulls are like any other dog when you get right down to the brass tacks.

They have the same dental needs as any other canine. To help dispel some of the popular myths about Pit Bull teeth, and give owners the straight facts about the topic, here is everything you need to know about Pit Bull teeth.

Dispelling common myths about Pit Bull teeth

Some Pit Bulls bite and refuse to let go. This spurred the myth that these dogs can lock their jaws through a special mechanism that helps them to hold on, making it impossible to release their grip.

This is a myth. APBF argues that studies show that the structure of a Pit Bull’s jaw is the same as any other dog. There is no special locking mechanism. They simply choose not to let go.

Pit Bulls do not lock their jaws. Another myth is that Pit Bulls have 1600 PSI of jaw pressure. Some Pit Bull owners might be impressed to hear this figure, but it’s simply not true.

Each pit bull has a firm bite and yes, they’re powerful, but other heavy-duty dogs have just as much power in their bites as a Pit Bull. They haven’t cornered the market on having a powerful bite with tremendous force.

According to Wag Walking, the bite force of the average Pit Bull is 235 psi. The force is less than the German Shepherd at 238, the American Bulldog at 305 psi, the Rottweiler at 328 psi, or the Kengal at 734 psi. Pit Bulls have a lot of force, but let’s be truthful about how much compared to some other dog breeds.

Why do you need to know the truth about Pit Bull teeth?

As a Pit Bull owner, you need to know everything there is about Pit Bull teeth to keep your dog healthy, and yes, even to prevent human injuries, but it’s no different than what any other kind of dog owner needs to know.

There are a few things about Pit Bull teeth that you need to be aware of such as how sharp they are, how to keep them strong and healthy, and how to recognize problems with Pit Bull teeth.

What do you need to know about Pit Bull teeth?

Pit Bull parents need to know when their new puppies begin to teeth, the signs, and what to do about it. It’s also essential to know how to properly care for your Pit Bull’s teeth to keep them strong and healthy. It’s also necessary how to spot problems with their teeth and to know what to do about dental emergencies.

When do Pit Bulls get their first teeth?

Pit Bulls get their teeth in stages, not a lot different than humans, but the timelines differ. According to Pit Bull Tribe, your little Pit Bull will start to get his first teeth between five and eight weeks.

Prepare yourself for what will come next. Puppies only have baby teeth for about a month. They will begin to fall out as they are replaced by his adult teeth. Don’t be alarmed when he starts losing his teeth this quickly because it’s a normal part of the developmental process for dogs. You may also notice swelling or bleeding on his gums

By the time he is four months old, molars break through his gums. The molars can present even more discomfort than his first baby teeth. He may whine or cry and increase his chewing responses. This is the final teething stage and he will get all of his adult teeth at this time. It can be a miserable experience, and it can continue until the dog is eight months old.

Veterinary check-up for teeth

It’s a good idea to take your pup to the vet for a checkup before all of his adult teeth come in. Some Pit Bulls have teeth that grow incorrectly. If there is a problem, it’s best to have your vet diagnose it to take the necessary steps to prevent an overbite or underbite. It’s easier and less expensive to correct before all of the teeth come in and mature.

Your dog will have a total of 42 teeth when the teething process is completed. 20 of them are on the top and 22 of them are on the bottom jaw. The first dental checkup is recommended at four months with a follow-up dental checkup at six months to ensure that the teeth are growing in as they should.

Cautions to observe during teething

The baby’s teeth are razor sharp and he may chew on everything in sight to help relieve the pain and itching that he feels when his first teeth begin to emerge through the gums.

The first consideration to make is that sharp teeth pose a hazard for small children. The puppies will chew on hands, fingers, and anything else they can fit in their mouths.

They’re not trying to bite you to be mean or to play, they’re trying to get relief. Use extreme caution and begin the training process immediately to teach your puppy that it’s not okay to bite. Redirect your puppy to chew on an approved chew toy to help him find the relief he needs.

How to stop your Pit Bull puppy from biting

His sharp teeth can do a lot of damage. While he is teething, you have the perfect opportunity to begin his training. Cuteness recommends buying him several dog toys that are safe for puppies to chew on.

Every time he bites, be firm with him and let him know that it’s never okay to bite. Redirect him to a chew toy, and remain consistent. Pit Bulls respond better to positive reinforcement versus yelling or hitting.

It might take him a while to learn, but your consistency will pay off in the long run. There are toys made specifically for teething puppies that should work nicely for training him.

Keep your personal and valuable possessions out of his reach

When a Pit Bull puppy is teething, he will chew on anything that he can find. It’s an instinct-driven behavior, much the same way that humans use numbing agents to soothe gum and tooth pain.

It’s a natural process that all puppies go through but if you leave your slippers, socks, shoes, or anything else lying around within his reach, he is more likely to use his razor-sharp teeth and chew on them to soothe his painful itching gums.

It’s essential to remember that you will need to understand what the puppy is going through and use your coping skills to be patient. This is a dangerous time for puppies as well. Since they will chew on anything, there is a chance of ingesting sharp objects such as pencils, sticks, or other items that could become lodged in their throats as a choking hazard.

Sharp items that move through the digestive system can either cause internal bleeding or cause an obstruction. Your puppy’s beautiful new teeth can shred wooden and plastic items, making them dangerous for his health and well-being.

It’s up to us as pet parents to create a safe environment for them and to keep objects out of their reach, as well as supervise them at all times.

How to care for Pit Bull teeth

Your Pit Bull puppy’s teeth will be white and beautiful, but they won’t stay that way unless you take good care of them. Dental disease is common in canines and the causes can range from poor diet, neglecting oral hygiene, chewing on objects that are hard and crack teeth and accidents that cause dental injuries.

iHeartDogs cautions it is essential to keep your dog’s teeth clean from the time they emerge throughout the lifespan. There are three things to do to promote good oral health for your Pit Bull. Brush his teeth, use dental chew and feed him quality dog food with kibbles and a nutritious formulation.

How to brush your Pit Bull’s teeth

You should brush your Pit Bull’s teeth a minimum of three times a week, but daily is better. It’s not hard to do. First, purchase toothpaste made for canines. Human toothpaste is toxic to dogs, so make sure that there are no dangerous ingredients such as xylitol or artificial sugars, both fatal for dogs. Find dog toothpaste at your local pet store or online.

Also, purchase a toothbrush with soft bristles. Be careful to cleanse every tooth, including the molars, and get down at the gum line, just as you would your teeth. Keep a pleasant attitude, smile, and make it a fun experience for your dog. Start brushing his teeth when your dog is a puppy. He will become accustomed to the ritual.

You can encourage your dog to sit still by giving him a special treat at the end of every session. Every time you brush your dog’s teeth, inspect his mouth for signs of infection in the gums or cracked teeth. If you notice a problem or something doesn’t look right, schedule an appointment with his vet for an exam.

Give him dental chews

They made specifically dental chews for the oral health of dogs. They taste good and help clean your dog’s teeth in a manner that is almost as good as brushing their teeth with a toothbrush.

The chews have just enough bulk to clean the teeth and gums to help remove tartar and plaque. They don’t replace brushing, but they can help substitute when you don’t brush his teeth every day or if your dog has excessive amounts of plaque and tartar buildups.

Feed him nutritious food that promotes good dental health

Your Pit Bull needs to eat a nutritious diet daily, to support the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. The best canine formulas are hard kibble that helps clean the teeth and gums as the dog chews.

A steady diet of soft foods can promote tooth decay. Also, avoid foods that contain grains, meals, and byproducts that are unhealthy for dogs. Copious amounts of non-nutritious fillers are cheap dog foods that may promote the buildup of plaque and tartar and not provide the nutrients he needs for healthy teeth and gums.

Final thoughts

Proper care of your Pit Bull’s teeth is necessary to help him live a long, healthy, and happy life. From the time they emerge through the gums, he will need your help to keep them clean.

Pit Bull teeth are the sharpest when he is a puppy, and the baby teeth will fall out quickly. Adult teeth grow in while he is still a juvenile. He needs a dental exam at four months and again at six months to make sure his teeth are growing in the right way.

You can help your Pit Bull to have strong and healthy teeth by brushing his teeth daily or by giving him dental chews to help cleanse away the buildup that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. It doesn’t take long to brush his teeth.

If you start when he’s a small puppy, he won’t mind when he’s an adult dog. Monitor his teeth and gums for any sign of trouble when you brush them and take him to the vet at the first sign of trouble. Good oral health can extend his life so you can enjoy more time on this earth together.

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