10 Things You Didn’t Know about The Jarkie
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The Jarkie is one of the designer dogs that have become popular in recent decades. Like its counterparts, it was created by pairing two breeds. One would be the Japanese Chin. The other would be the Yorkshire Terrier. On the whole, Jarkies are curious, energetic, and affectionate animals. Characteristics that make them well-suited to being companions for certain individuals under certain circumstances.
1. They Can Be Multi-Generation Mixes
Generally speaking, when people think of designer dogs, they think of first-generation mixes. However, it is important to remember that Jarkies and other designer dogs can be multi-generation mixes, meaning that they can be closer to one side of their heritage than the other. Thanks to this, interested individuals should always find out information about a specific Jarkie’s lineage in order to get a better idea of what to expect.
2. Small Dogs
A Japanese Chin tends to weigh between 9 and 16 pounds. Meanwhile, Yorkshire Terriers are even smaller, weighing between 4 and 7 pounds. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this means that their offspring are on the smaller side of things as well. Something that should influence how interested individuals take care of their Jarkies for the best results.
3. Not Clear How the Japanese Chin Came Into Existence
It isn’t clear how the Japanese Chin came into existence. In part, this is because it seems to be an old breed, so much so that it has been around for more than a millennium. Generally speaking, the thinking is that the ancestor of the Japanese Chin came from China before becoming the Japanese Chin in Japan. One theory is that Korean royalty presented the ancestral dog to their Japanese counterparts in 732 CE. However, there are other theories that this happened sometime either before said date or after said date.
4. Not Clear How the Japanese Chin Arrived in the West
Similarly, it isn’t quite clear how the Japanese Chin managed to make its way to the west. There is one claim that the dog was brought to England in 1613. This can sound strange because of the locked country policy that was implemented by the Tokugawa Shogunate from 1603 to 1868. However, the locked country policy was never total. There was still limited contact with European countries, with the most notable example being the ongoing trade with Dutch merchants. Besides this, there is also another claim that Matthew Perry managed to acquire a Japanese Chin. Said individual is well-known in Japanese history because he was the American naval officer who forced the opening of Japanese ports to U.S. trade in the 1850s.
5. The Japanese Chin Has Been Compared to Cats
Amusingly, the Japanese Chin has often been compared to cats. This is because they are both intelligent and independent creatures. Furthermore, the Japanese Chin exhibits a number of behaviors that are very reminiscent of cats. For example, these dogs are known to use their paws to wash their faces. Similarly, these dogs are known to sleep on elevated surfaces, hide in unexpected places, and even have an excellent sense of balance.
6. The Japanese Chin Was Bred to Be Entertaining
For the most part, the Japanese Chin was meant to be a companion animal. As such, one of its intended purposes was to entertain its owner. Thanks to this, the Japanese Chin can be trained with relative ease to perform tricks such as spinning in tight circles, dancing on their hind legs, and even “singing” in their own particular way.
7. The Yorkshire Terrier Was Created By Mill Workers
The Yorkshire Terrier is a breed created in relatively modern times. As the story goes, they were created by mill workers in Yorkshire of the mid-19th century. Due to this, it should come as no surprise to learn that they weren’t always meant to be the companion animals that they are now. Instead, it seems that Yorkshire Terriers were meant to be ratters, though a paucity of records means that the earliest part of their creation process isn’t quite as clear as what some interested individuals would like.
8. Yorkshire Terriers Are Smart Dogs
Yorkshire Terriers were meant to be working animals. Thanks to this, the breed is on the smarter side of things. This is a good thing because interested individuals might be able to count on their Jarkie learning fast. However, it is possible that this will make for downsides as well. Simply put, Yorkshire Terriers are smart enough that they need both physical stimulation and mental stimulation. If they don’t get enough of those things, they can start acting out with negative consequences. Something that Jarkies can inherit.
9. Jarkies Can Be Vocal
It is possible for Jarkies to be quite vocal. After all, both sides of their heritage are prone to barking under certain circumstances. The Japanese Chin might be a companion first and foremost. However, the breed is quite alert, meaning that it will bark whenever it notices either a visitor or something else of interest. Meanwhile, Yorkshire Terriers like to start barking whenever someone or something starts getting close, which is why they are sometimes used as watch dogs. Fortunately, if interested individuals consider this to be a bad thing, it is possible to resolve such issues through training as well as other measures.
10. Keep a Watchful Eye on Jarkies Whenever Bringing Them Outside
Interested individuals might want to bring Jarkies outside for their regular exercise needs. This is important because they are energetic creatures, meaning that they can benefit from taking a walk around the local neighborhood from time to time. Having said that, interested individuals should also keep a watchful eye on their Jarkies whenever they do so. In part, this is because these dogs are on the smaller side of things, meaning that they can be threatened by things that would be a non-issue for their bigger counterparts. Moreover, Jarkies can be sensitive to the temperature, so it is recommended to pay close attention to that.