Is the Vizsla the Right Breed for You?
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Are you in the market for a new dog? Are you a previous dog owner, a current dog owner or someone who has never owned a dog before? You might wonder why I’m asking, and it’s because it does make a difference. Most people who have owned and cared for a dog in the past understand that this is not a job for just anyone. Dogs are very high-maintenance. They require a lot of attention and care, and they are animals that must be treated a very specific way. Additionally, all dog breeds are vastly different. If you’re interested in one such as the Vizsla, you would be correct in being interested. It’s a very popular dog in this country, and it’s good for most homes. However, that does not make it the right dog for you or the wrong dog for someone else. You have to really get to know a breed to understand if that breed will fit into your life. Some require more work than others, some require more time and patience than others, and some are much better suited for families than singles, and vice versa. There is much to learn about all dogs, and that’s why we recommend you learn about them. As wonderful and as many benefits as all breeds have, some benefits are cons for certain families and types of people. That’s why you should take some time before you run out and get a Vizsla of your own to get to know the breed and what it needs from you. A dog is a long-time commitment that requires you to make a good, informed decision.
It Needs Daily Maintenance
This is a dog with a short coat, so it sometimes surprises people to learn that it does require daily maintenance to keep it looking good. It doesn’t shed as much as dogs with long hair, but it does require a daily brush to ensure that shedding is minimal and that it’s beautiful coat remains healthy and shiny. The good news is that it won’t take you long to run a brush over this dog, and they will learn very quickly to sit still and let you finish before they wander off.
They’re Athletic
A born hunting dog, this is an athletic breed. It loves to run, play, jump and be active, and it would be in your dog’s best interest to have a big yard that’s fenced in and safe for him so that he can run around and enjoy himself on a regular basis. Of course, it’s not something that you can always help if you have to move for work or something of that nature, so at least try to keep this dog near a park so that you can walk him each day for proper exercise and athletic purposes.
They Need Work
A born working dog, they need a job. This is what is going to keep this breed from becoming bored and potentially destructive. We are not saying that this dog is going to become destructive in your home at all. But when a dog is bored for a long period of time, it’s never a guarantee that he or she will not go looking for something to do to keep him or her entertained. These are very active animals that need something to do. A job is going to keep this breed very happy and very entertained.
They’re Generally Healthy
While some dogs have some breed-specific issues you might have to worry about, the Vizsla does not. It’s a good dog to have if you want one that typically lives a healthy life. Of course, it’s no guarantee that your dog will not be diagnosed with any health issues as it lives it’s life, but that’s a risk you take when you bring home any dog. The good news about the Vizsla is that it’s not prone to specific health problems you will likely have to worry about its entire life.
They’re Very Energetic
Who doesn’t love an energetic dog? Well, some people do not want an energetic dog. It’s a gorgeous dog, and you’d be so happy to have one, but the truth is that it’s not for everyone with this kind of energy. For example, let’s say that you are an older person who is not quite as active anymore and unable to take your dog on a long walk each day or play in the yard regularly. You might be much happier with a smaller lap breed type dog that will not require much in the way of exercise and long walks thanks to the fact that it’s just not that kind of dog.
It’s Very Gentle
The good news about the Vizsla if you have small kids in the house is that it is a very gentle dog. Even if you choose to adopt an older dog, it will be very gentle with your kids. You will find that most dogs do better around kids if they are raised around them, but the gentle nature of this breed is going to make you and your kids quite happy. He is protective and loving, kind and gentle, and he’s not going to be rough with the kids. In fact, he is going to be quite the opposite, though he does love a good time in the yard running around and enjoying life with the kids.
It’s Very Affectionate
If you’re looking for a dog that loves to show affection and be close to you, this is one you should consider. It’s a dog that has a lot to offer in terms of being very affectionate, and that makes it a lot of fun to have around. This is a dog that will always let you know precisely where you stand with it, and that means showering you with kisses and affection. It might not be a lap dog, but that does not mean that Vizsla has any issue showing affection to those that mean the most to him.
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