7 Potential Negatives to Owning a French Bulldog
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Bulldogs are one of the most popular breeds of dogs and for good reason. They are sweet and fun, and many people regard them as the perfect pet. They are smart and loving dogs and they do well in small environments, so they’re perfect for apartment living. French Bulldogs are known for their adorable, squished-faced look and cuddly nature. They want to be with you, as close as possible, especially laying next to you on the couch or wherever you are. They hugely funny and entertaining. They love to make you laugh and have great personalities. Frenchies are good with other pets and children, especially if they are socialized starting at a very young age. You may find that the French Bulldog has a lot of characteristics that you are looking for in a dog, however, like any breed, they’re not perfect and there can be some negatives that may affect your decision in getting a French bulldog, so here are 7 negatives for owning a French Bulldog.
1. French Bulldogs are prone to breathing issues
You can’t help but notice that French Bulldogs have a mushed-in face and muzzle. This means a shortened nasal passage and nose, which means they have more difficulties breathing at times. They tend to snort a lot, which is how they have to breath, but this can also lead to more types of breathing and respiratory issues. Their breathing should be monitored and extra care and caution needs to be given to bath time. Water can easily get into their breathing passages during bath time. Water splashing in their nose can complicate their breathing passages so yo will have to take precautionary measures to avoid water inhalation.
2. Frenchies overheat easily
Frenchies overheat easily due to their smushed faces and short noses. They rely purely on panting to keep cool so to walk a French Bulldog in the middle of a hot summer’s day would not be recommended. There are different ways you can help to keep your Frenchie cool, one is plenty of cool water, and another is a cooling pad to lay on. This can be a negative for owning a French Bulldog, if you live in a very hot climate.
3. Prone to ‘Cherry Eye’
This is not a pleasant thing for your dog or you. French Bulldogs have bulging eyes and this may play a role in this condition. It is a problem that develops on a dog’s third eyelid, which is an extra eyelid that acts as a wipe for the eye. Sometimes the gland for that lid can dislocate and cause a red, bulging blob in the eye and can be life threatening. Your dog’s doctor will have to treat this and it may require surgery to repair, or remove the lid altogether.
4. French Bulldog pups are prone to leg breaks
These are hefty dogs and as a puppy grows, his body begins to get heavy, yet the legs haven’t matured as quickly as the body. They are not always able to sustain the weight of the body, especially when they try to jump, such as on or off a couch. Monitoring your puppies activity and taking extra care not to allow too much jumping or high jumping, while they are still growing, is recommended. This can be a negative for someone who doesn’t have a way to monitor the activities of the puppy on a regular basis, or is not prepared to handle a situation like this.
5. May be a bit stubborn
Yes, this is a smart breed, and although they’re considered intelligent they can have a stubborn streak. Stubbornness means there may be a bit of a training barrier, so if you do not have the patience to work with your Frenchie and accept that he may be a bit hard to train, then this would be a negative for you with this breed. Patience, consistency and acceptance are beneficial to owning a French Bulldog when it comes to training. Many people describe a French Bulldog as having selective hearing. That is probably an accurate description of this breed.
6. Heavyset dogs
While French Bulldogs are short and on the smaller size of the different breeds, they are also stocky and can carry a bit of heft to them. If you are looking for a small breed in height, length and weight, this breed might not be for you. They are not small in the way of petite, so if yo think you may be able to carry this breed around with you, you should know that they can be heavy to pick up, and especially carry any length of a distance.
7. Walking on a lead my be difficult
French Bulldogs are known to get a bit overzealous on a lead, or leash. They can pull hard, and being such sturdy dogs, they can pull certain people, right along with them. Of course you will want to train them well from the beginning, on how to walk on a lead correctly, however, this may be a negative for those who want a dog that is easy to walk without the risk of a strong dog pulling on the lead while on walks.