10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Harrier Dog

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The Harrier is a kind of hound that came into existence in the United Kingdom. Its exact origins are unknown, but it is clear that it can make for a wonderful canine companion, particularly for people who are athletic. Here are 10 things that you may or may not have known about the Harrier:

1. It Is Used to Hunt Hares

The Harrier is a hound. To be exact, it is a hound meant to hunt hares. For those who are unsure about the exact meaning of the term, hares are related to rabbits but are not rabbits themselves. The confusion between the two is understandable because hares look a lot like bigger rabbits, which isn’t even counting how they have similar diets as well.

2. Resembles the English Foxhound

Sometimes, the Harrier has been compared to the English Foxhound when it comes to their appearance. Said breed is one of the four Foxhounds that can be found out there, which have seen a fair amount of divergence in spite of the fact that all four of them came into existence with a shared purpose.

3. Unclear Origins

No one is sure about the exact origins of the Harriers because there are multiple sources with multiple claims. Even worse, these claims can be very far-ranging in nature, meaning that reconciling them can be rather challenging to say the least.

4. Could Be Related to the English Foxhound

With that said, a relation to the English Foxhound is a popular element of said claims, though the nature of said element can see a fair amount of variation as well. For example, one claim says that the Harrier is a bred-down version of the England Foxhound, whereas other claims say that the Harrier has been produced by crossbreeding the English Foxhound with other breeds.

5. Has Been Used for Fox Hunting

Primarily, the Harrier is used for hunting hares, thus explaining its name. However, it has been used for hunting other prey as well, with a particularly notable example being foxes.

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6. Pack Animal

The Harrier is a pack animal. As a result, it can get along very well with other dogs. Moreover, it can get along very well with humans as well. As for other animals, well, the Harrier can get along with them so long as it has received the proper socialization, but interested individuals might want to keep an eye on it because it possesses hunting instincts.

7. Good Natured

Generally speaking, Harriers are very good-natured dogs. For example, they have a sweet temper. Furthermore, they are very cheerful creatures, thus making for happy dogs that tend to get along well with their human masters. Due to this, so long as Harriers get enough stimulation, they can make for excellent pets.

8. Curious

One of the things that interested individuals will have to watch out for is the Harrier’s sense of curiosity. Simply put, they are very curious, which is why they like to head off on their own to explore the surrounding environment. As a result, it tends to be a good idea to either put it on a leash or keep it in an enclosed area.

9. Needs Exercise

The Harrier has a lot of stamina, so much so that it can continue working all-day-long with minimal issues. However, the downsides of this stamina is that it needs a lot of regular exercise as well, without which it can become destructive as well as hyperactive. Even worse, it can become overweight, thus increasing its chances of getting a wide range of serious medical problems that will mean suffering for it as well as much heart-ache for its human master. Fortunately, this is a problem with a relatively simple solution. For example, taking Harriers on either runs or long, vigorous walks can do much to satisfy their need for exercise. Likewise, keeping them in an enclosed area where they can play and run around can be very helpful as well.

10. Not a Lot of Maintenance Needed

Otherwise, the Harrier isn’t a particularly demanding breed to take care of, thus making them even better as pets. For example, their coats don’t need more than the occasional bit of brushing to remove dead hair, meaning less work for their owners.

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