
Police Rescue 17 Pit Bulls from Dog Fighting Property Kept in “Heinous” Conditions

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The Floyd County Police Department has announced the successful dismantlement of a dog fighting operation in Georgia, in which more than a dozen dogs were rescued from inhumane conditions.

According to official reports, Jacob Driver Jr., a 50-year-old resident, was taken into custody on Tuesday morning after police arrived at his property and charged him with felony violation of the dog fighting statute and cruelty to animals.

This arrest came after an extensive investigation into the training and fighting of dogs on another property.

The police force has reported that a total of 17 pit bulls were discovered on the aforementioned property, all of which were found chained in a half-acre yard located behind a privacy fence.

An additional pit bull was found at Driver’s residence. Police officers worked tirelessly to free these animals from their constrained circumstances, and touching photographs of their rescue were subsequently shared.

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“When police arrived the dogs were restrained with heavy industrial chains anchored in the ground by car axles that were buried in the ground,” the post said. 

“Floyd County Public Works assisted police with pulling the heavy anchors from the ground to destroy the illegal training facility.”

According to the Floyd County Police Department, evidence suggests that Mr. Driver meticulously documented the lineage and accomplishments of the dogs, with the intention of promoting them for breeding purposes.

Additionally, law enforcement officials discovered that Mr. Driver engaged in the systematic conditioning of the animals to enhance their aggression and hostility towards other dogs.

In addition to the aforementioned discoveries, law enforcement officials also uncovered equipment intended to enhance the physical attributes of the animals.

This equipment included thick collars, heavy chains, and weighted vests designed to build strength and endurance. Shockingly, the combined weight of the 17 chains was almost 170 pounds, with the heaviest individual chain weighing in at 20 pounds.

These findings further underscore the severity of the situation and the extent to which these dogs were subjected to cruel and inhumane conditions.

As Officer Kelsi Wade expressed in a statement to Fox 5 Atlanta, the extent of the training these dogs were forced to endure is unacceptable and goes against the fundamental principle that animals should not be subject to such abuse.

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Officer Kelsi Wade has reported that several of the male dogs present at the site of the operation displayed evidence of scarring on their front legs, chest, and facial areas.

While this scarring may indicate that the dogs were subjected to fighting, it is also possible that it resulted from intense training regimens.

Despite their past experiences, many of the rescued animals may still have the potential to lead happy and fulfilling lives as household pets.

Officer Wade emphasized that these dogs deserve nothing less than the love, affection, and care that they were denied during their previous existence.

The severity of the situation is reflected in the charges brought against Mr. Driver, who has been accused of committing felony violations of the dog fighting statute and engaging in acts of animal cruelty.

As of now, the Floyd County Police Department has reported that the dogs are being housed with private boarders, where they are receiving much-needed care and attention.

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