A Complete Price Guide for the Great Dane

Great DaneSource © Shutterstock

People who love big dogs go for a breed such as the Great Dane. If you choose to go with a purebred, prepare to pay a high price. They’re expensive dogs, but they’re not the highest-priced canine breed. These gentle giants make exceptional companions for their owners and families. They’re intelligent dogs that are loyal to their loved ones. You can find a Great Dane for a reasonable cost if you adopt from a shelter, but the purebred dogs with pedigrees can run into the thousands. We offer a complete price guide for the Great Dane to let you know how much these dogs cost, along with what you can expect to pay in maintenance for the care of your new dog.

How much does a Great Dane Cost?

The price of a Great Dane depends on several factors. The quality of the dog, age, health, breeder reputation, region and supply, and demand all work together to determine the going rate for a Great Dane. According to Perfect Dog Breeds, the average cost of a Great Dane puppy is $1,500 for a non-show quality animal intended as a house pet. Prices range from $600 to $3,000 for these purebreds.

Why is there such a broad price range for a Great Dane?

It is essential to examine the factors that affect the price of a dog to understand why there is such a broad range. We begin with the quality of the dog. We judge Great Danes per standards set for the breed. Purebred dogs with verified purebred parents can become fully registered. Full registration increases the value of a common Great Dane with no outstanding characteristics or bloodlines. Limited registration lowers the value.

Limited registration happens when there is some question about the ancestral lines. Dogs that are aging or have some physical defects or health problems may sell at a lower price than a physically perfect dog. Those with exceptional physical features that conform highly to standards set for the breed are likely to be more expensive because they stand out from the others. Show-quality Great Danes with outstanding characteristics such as unique markings, fully registered, pedigreed, and strong bloodlines are the most expensive. Breeding dogs also fetch a higher price on the market today.

Can you find a Great Dane at a rescue shelter?

It’s rare to find a purebred Great Dane at an animal rescue shelter, but it can happen. The cost to adopt these dogs ranges from $150 to $350, depending on the shelter policies. Most rescue shelters either have the dog spayed or neutered or make the adoptive pet parents sign an agreement to have the animal altered to lower the number of unwanted animals roaming the streets. There are pros and cons to adopting a Great Dane from a pet shelter.

We think the pluses outweigh the minuses. The price is less, so it saves you money. You’re giving a dog in need a forever home with love, care, and affection. You also make room at the shelter for another vulnerable animal needing help. On the downside, there is no way to confirm if the Great Dane you adopt is purebred. He may be a mixture of Great Dane and other dog breeds. You won’t know much about his health history or his lineage. These are pets that are highly suitable for pets and companionship.

Breeder experience and reputation is a price determinant

You can expect to pay more for a Great Dane purchased from a reputable and experienced dog breeder. There are some excellent reasons for this. Breeders of this caliber do their best to follow the established rules and to produce the healthiest and highest-quality puppies possible. They diligently maintain records for each dog they own.

The best breeders raise their dogs in a clean and healthy environment. They show them human affection and they socialize with them. They keep meticulous records of dog registration and pedigrees if applicable. Reputable breeders also ensure that their dogs receive regular medical checkups, are fully vaccinated, dewormed, and tested for genetic and other health issues. They maintain records of medical checkups and are transparent about any known issues. Reputable breeders also feed their dogs’ nutritious formulations in healthy amounts.

Their dogs get plenty of healthy exercises. All of these activities amount to additional expenses, but they establish the quality of the dogs. Puppies bought from reputable breeders are usually higher-quality with a clean bill of health and their first vaccinations. The likelihood of getting a healthier animal from these breeders is far higher than those purchased from an inexperienced or disreputable breeder that does not observe the best practice for animal husbandry.

Supply and demand as an influence on the cost

Dogs are like any other commodity when it comes to their value on the market. The price goes up when the demand is high and supplies are low. Reputable breeders only produce as many puppies as they can humanely care for. Puppy mills, on the other hand, are likely to breed dogs in cramped quarters and cut all the corners for the expense they can.

These disreputable puppy mills care only for the profit they make by selling puppies. It shows in the quality of the dogs produced. Many of these breeders do not have registration status documents available for buyers. They expect you to take their word that the dog is purebred and in good health. When supplies are low and demand is high, a surprising number of people will take what they can get at the price that is asked. Buying from puppy mills is strongly discouraged.

Giving them your business encourages them to keep producing dogs in inhumane living conditions. Many of these ne’er-do-wells know how to stay under the radar or meet bare minimums to avoid being shut down. It’s also wise to avoid dealing with online sellers that you cannot verify as being reputable. There are a lot of scammers out there that advertise dogs using information they have stolen from reputable breeders. They promise to ship the dog to you but end up stealing your money and disappearing into the ether.

Purchasing a Great Dane puppy comes with ongoing expenses

According to Hepper, The initial outlay for buying a Great Dane puppy is merely the beginning of the expenses you’ll incur. The Great Dane is a large dog breed. Although the puppy might be fairly small and cute, he will grow quickly. Here is a breakdown of what you can expect to pay in maintenance costs to keep your dog healthy and happy. It’s hard to estimate the precise costs because there are so many different products on the market for dogs. We preface the next section by warning that shopping for a new puppy can be addictive. There are so many cool products and toys out there that it’s easy to go overboard.

Initial startup costs

Before you bring your new puppy home, there are several supplies that you need to have for him. You will need a comfortable bed for him to sleep in. You may also want to include a crate if you desire to crate train him. He will need a feeding station with a food and water dish, and a bag of nutritious dog food that is formulated for the nutritional needs of Great Dane puppies. The dog will eat a lot as he grows and the amount will increase as he matures.

It’s recommended that you buy high-quality food as some of the cheaper dog foods contain ingredients that are not healthy for dogs. Your new puppy will need to be groomed about once per week through his lifespan. You’ll need to have a dog brush along with the shampoo for the occasional bath he will need. You may also need puppy potty training pads while you’re teaching him to go outside to do his bathroom business. He will also need to have plenty of chew toys. Every puppy chews profusely while he is teething. It’s an instinct that he cannot control. Supplying him with chew toys will give you items to redirect his attention to while you’re teaching him that it’s not okay for him to chew on your furniture and personal items.

Ongoing costs for Great Dane maintenance

Your Great Dane will cost more to feed as he grows in size. Be prepared to spend triple the initial amount from the time that he is a puppy until reaching adulthood. According to Love Your Dog, the average first year in the life of a Great Dane sets the owners back around $2,470 for the price of the pup and the initial supplies necessary for his first year of life.

You must also factor in annual or semi-annual trips to the vet for well-puppy checkups and vaccinations. If your dog experiences health issues, the cost of medical attention will increase. The additional ongoing expenses for the first year and subsequent years are estimated to be $2,698 for a total of $5,168 for his first year. It may bring you some relief to know that this will likely be the most expensive year of ownership.

The average lifespan of a Great Dane is 9 years. If you calculate the annual cost of ownership, including food, water, supplies, and medical expenses without catastrophic injury or illness, the lifetime amount you will spend is around $26,752, but it could be more or less. If you opt for professional training and boarding services the costs will go up depending on what your local service providers charge. It’s best to shop around before you settle on the best provider. Also, check the ratings to ensure that your new pet gets the best possible service when under their care.

Other possible expenses

If your Great Dane is a show dog, then the cost of ownership is going to go up even more. You’ll need to consider the ost of professional grooming, trainers to teach your dog etiquette, and behavior modification. There will also be entrance fees for competitions which can vary greatly from one contest to another. Shipping containers are another consideration to make. They’ll need to be large to accommodate this gentle giant.

There will also be travel expenses for showing the dog, but if he’s a winner, the prize money can help to offset some of the expenses. Another possible expense is if you hire a dog-walker. This is another expense you might incur if you work during the day and you don’t have time to walk your Great Dane daily. It’s a breed that requires daily exercise. Be prepared to do it yourself or hire someone else to do it for you.

Final thoughts

Buying a Great Dane can be a major expense. It is a decision that will change your life, mostly in a good way. The initial year of his life is likely to be the most expensive. Depending on the price you pay for your new Great Dane puppy will have an impact on your total costs for the year. The costs can run from $2,500 to $5,000 or more. It’s best to consider the costs involved with the first year of a Great Dane puppy’s life before you make your purchase.

It is a lifelong commitment that is likely to cost over $2,500 per year for the estimated nine years your beloved pet will be with you. Some Great Dane owners are fortunate enough to find their pets at rescue shelters, cutting down the initial costs of the purchase. We’re in favor of adoption over buying from a puppy mill, whenever possible. Buying from reputable breeders, going to buy the dog in person, and checking out the environment are always recommended to increase the odds of getting a healthy puppy that will have a long and happy life.

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